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My very first candle :)


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No actually. I had swapped out the wick in the tester and since I started kind of funky, I just marathon burned it to test for heat extremes. I burned it all day the other day and the whole kitchen which is like 22 feet long, smelled like cinnamon. My husband loved the scent.

When it got down to about the last quarter, I measured the melt pool and it was about 1 cm which is less than a half inch. Mushrooms but the wax wasn't being affected by them. The jar went from about 118 degrees inside with probe into wax pool at halfway point, to about 128 or so when it was down to an inch left. I noted that on my notes.

I am sick right now and just feel awful so I'm not pouring new testers just yet. Husband is going to level off stove too so I don't get crooked top to start with, then I'm going to do a few testers with this wick and the one before it which I started off on the wrong foot with, and one higher just to note.

I think I'm also going to try an htp 105 that someone sent me, to see how that does since I have htp's available locally.

I also went out and bought a presto pot, so if the top caved at all due to moisture too close to wax, I'll see a difference if there's one to be seen. :)

Oh and with the 775, clean burn too. Sides of jar are pretty clean. Not one bit of soot on walls of jar.

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Just went to leave the room where the rest of the candle is burning and as I was leaving, I turned to look at the candle and all of a sudden it just went out. I was puzzled and wondered if the wick had snuffed out somehow. Then I looked into the wax and found the wick was off to the side and since I didn't actually reach bottom as I thought with it, it floated and went out. Had me wondering there for a minute though. Less than an inch of wax was left and still about a 1 cm melt pool and nice throw. I'm going to try and get the strength to make my new testers tomorrow and this time do it right. I've been sick past few days so was just taking a break to get well. Husband leveled the stove tonight yay!!! :)

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