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C-3 burn testing weight question and catch up question please

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My weight when starting my burn testing was 20.47 ounces. When I finished my 3rd hour, the weight was 20.40 ounces. Is that good or bad? LOL

I'm into the next 3 hours now, in the first, and the melt pool isn't out to the edge yet.

I have like a 1/4 skin away from the wall, and it's about a 1/2 inch from the melt pool now. Is catching up supposed to happen yet, if it will? Or does this sound like tunneling?

Jar is slightly warm to the touch. Flame is pretty big too. Will post pictures tomorrow to add so comments could be made on them.

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OK so I think I see now that catch up doesn't happen immediately. LOL I guess I'm just impatient and was hoping in first 3 hours to see it going to the edge.

The beginning of the 6th hour now and the side skin is starting to seperate and slide a little. Still a nice flame too. Slight mushroom but no soot. Still smells great.

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when i use containers like that, they usually take two or three burns to catch up. The opening of the jar exposes the wick and melt pool to a lot of air and breezes that are in the room, and keeps the glass cool. Once the wick and melt pool get about 1in - 1/2in down, the glass will heat up more and the edges will catch up. I also find that I dont get a good throw until the second or third burn either.

I now use a mason jar, the jar heats up faster since I dont pour to the tip top and it has a smaller opening then rest of the jar and the flame and melt pool are not exposed to too much air. I get better scent throw on my first 3 hr burn.

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wondering if you are only burning it 3 times in 1 hr increments? Or are you letting it burn straight for 3 hrs?

When I test burn, it find its best to let burn for a straight 3 hours to test a good melt pool and see hot hot the jars gets and to see if the flame is too large.

Then I will extinguish, let the wax re-harden, trim the wick and re-light for another straight 3hr burn.

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Stella said she'd wick up in the gallery thread, so I bumped up a notch on my wick. I did misunderstand though I think. I went by a post here by Stella, and now see I might have miss-interpreted it wrong. Thank you for letting me know that. LOL

I was burning for an hour and then weighing and noting wick and weight. But, the melt pool really didn't change much when I had re-lit it not more than a minute after.

I have bumped up now, and if jar feels too hot, will go back to my 770 thank you for letting me know I wasn't straight on what I was doing. :)

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