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Fundraiser scents


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I'm changing up my fundraiser scents to offer spring scents versus the fall and would like some input. Here is what I offer now for the fall

French Vanilla

Nag Champa


Cinnamon Surprise

Sugar cookie

Pumpkin Pie



Spring Rain

Birds of Paradise

Cucumber Melon

Holiday Wassail

I want to replace Pumpkin Pie, Holiday Wassail, and possibly Gardenia as it's not selling well. I want to have a variety of scents and this way I am offering one vanilla, two earth tones, one cinnamon, two bakery, two floral, one fresh, one fruit, one holiday, etc

Here is what I am considering for spring and want input on:

French Vanilla

Nag Champa


Cinnamon Surprise

Sugar Cookie

Lemon Bundt Cake


Birds of Paradise

Spring Rain

Clean Cotton

Cucumber Melon

Sweet Pea

How does this list look? Thought of putting Leather in there somewhere as well as pecan pie, as this is TX and everyone likes those. Just wasn't sure which to remove. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks.

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Have you ever thought about offering say 6 or 8 standard scents and then allow them to choose 4 to 6 more, in advance of them selling of course? That's what I was thinking of doing.

I'm hoping to get into a few fundraisers in the coming year, I thought about offering 10 scents with 6 of them being from my best sellers, and then allow them to choose 4 more.

I mostly like the bakery scents, but I know there are some who simply hate them. And I can't stand most florals, but I have a few customers who won't buy anything else. I just thought it might be good to allow my fundraiser customers to have some input, since they will most likely be buying some to help their little ones raise money.:)

Just a thought.

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From experience I have found that offering the standard sheet is easier because I can keep these oils in stock (at times overstocked lol) to ensure that enough oils are present for the orders made. Letting the customer choose from my over 100 scents is too overwhelming when asking to choose just 4 and then they complain about the ones I do offer. So I figure have a set form and basically just change it per the season. Was wanting to know what should replace the fall scents for the spring.

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