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What do you consider being successful?


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The success story thread started me wondering...How do you define success?

I'm sure everyone has a different idea of when they consider their business a success. Some no doubt dream bigger than others.:)

I'll consider myself successful when I can clear 4-500 a month above expenses.

How about you all?

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Success to me is a state of mind. You can be successful and barely making ends meet or you can be grossing 5-6 thousand over your expenses per month. It depends upon your personal goals and how hard you are willing to work. If you set your goal to be for example, pour 100 candles today and you get it done then that is successful. If you only want to do something as a hobby and make extra cash and you end up making extra Christmas money then that is success. To me it is all a state of mind and how high you set your goals. Anyone can be successful and anyone can be unsuccessful depending on how high you set your goals. This may not be what you were looking for, but it's just my opinion on it.

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I have to agree with you. First thing that came to my mind. Just like to see a profit no matter if it is small. If you could see my candle area you would know what I mean. I have great ideas and do them but they never sell. Just the simple 8 ounce JJ. So have boo koo products sitting around and I will do them again someday soon. I need a change of pace and product no matter if it doesn't sell. Just try try again. Maybe I will get lucky.

I also define success when I master something new. New to me but others may do it all the time. And of course going to shows and people say "you have the best smelling candles". That to me is being successful. Just for once would like to walk away with more than $350 in one show. I want to make a $1,000. That would be a successful show. :yay:


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I'll feel that I'm successful when I bring in more than I spend on supplies. Right now I'm losing money on this, but I do it because it's fun and I love it. The day I make more than I spend, even if it's just a dollar more, I'll feel like I've accomplished something.

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To me, succes has nothing to do with money. I only feel succesful when I can sit down and think about how happy I am and when I absolutley, with out a doubt, know that people who purchase my candles love their quality and the craftsmanship that I put into each one. I personally did not start making candles for money which is how I feel most of you guys feel. I started candlemaking as a new hobby, something that I could enjoy doing. I could be grossing 10k a month and still would not consider myself sucessful unless I was happy. Of course, the money is an added benefit of owning a candle business. When I get home and there is a ton of supplies sitting at my doorsteps I feel joy not because of the amount of money they are worth to me but the joy of knowing I have enough supplies to pour candles for a week straight and hear comments from people when they sell such as they smell and look wonderful. Pouring candles is the most relaxing thing to this day that I do and I will consider myself a successful person until I feel no joy or happiness in pouring.

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To me, succes has nothing to do with money. I only feel succesful when I can sit down and think about how happy I am and when I absolutley, with out a doubt, know that people who purchase my candles love their quality and the craftsmanship that I put into each one. I personally did not start making candles for money which is how I feel most of you guys feel. I started candlemaking as a new hobby, something that I could enjoy doing. I could be grossing 10k a month and still would not consider myself sucessful unless I was happy. Of course, the money is an added benefit of owning a candle business. When I get home and there is a ton of supplies sitting at my doorsteps I feel joy not because of the amount of money they are worth to me but the joy of knowing I have enough supplies to pour candles for a week straight and hear comments from people when they sell such as they smell and look wonderful. Pouring candles is the most relaxing thing to this day that I do and I will consider myself a successful person until I feel no joy or happiness in pouring.

that was well put.

What Adam said, in addition to gaining new customers and making a profit.

For me to truly be successful, I would have to be able to quit both my jobs....which is a long stretch..lol

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that was well put.

What Adam said, in addition to gaining new customers and making a profit.

For me to truly be successful, I would have to be able to quit both my jobs....which is a long stretch..lol

Thanks, looking back and reading through it again I wish I would have taken the time to write something that sounded a little better but it captures what I wanted to say.

I hope to quite my part time job. It is wasting too much candle and soap pouring time.:smiley2: If I do not quit I will definitley cut down from seven days a week to three days a week.

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OK I admit I am already feeling pretty successful to just be able to be in a place to devote myself to this for awhile and see how it works.

I am also in a happy place in my life right now and it is especially sweet because I just survived a very nasty divorce that took 2yrs.

My definition of success was in terms of the business itself. When I'll feel I've arrived as it were. I actually don't want to get in a position where I lose the joy of it all and have no time to just play (it's R and D right?) with new things and new ideas just for me. So getting to a place of being big enough to hire employees etc would actually feel bad not good, lol.

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To me, succes has nothing to do with money. I only feel succesful when I can sit down and think about how happy I am and when I absolutley, with out a doubt, know that people who purchase my candles love their quality and the craftsmanship that I put into each one. I personally did not start making candles for money which is how I feel most of you guys feel. I started candlemaking as a new hobby, something that I could enjoy doing. I could be grossing 10k a month and still would not consider myself sucessful unless I was happy. Of course, the money is an added benefit of owning a candle business. When I get home and there is a ton of supplies sitting at my doorsteps I feel joy not because of the amount of money they are worth to me but the joy of knowing I have enough supplies to pour candles for a week straight and hear comments from people when they sell such as they smell and look wonderful. Pouring candles is the most relaxing thing to this day that I do and I will consider myself a successful person until I feel no joy or happiness in pouring.

Well put and I feel the same way. I agree with what Lynn said too, "I also define success when I master something new." Success, for me, has little to do with money but more of an accomplishment of a job I do, and love, that is well done. But, money is good too!

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Business success for now would be to break even!

Last night I was on the computer (shock!!!), and my husband brought over an empty container of cream, and said "I need some more, and make some more of that soap too!" A small thing, but that was the really good kind of success to me;)

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