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when to add butters


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So I think I tried to hijack another thread going currently on shea butter (sorry) and it did not work!


I am wondering if you add shea or any other butters to CP--when do you add?

With your solids -as they are solids-and melt? when you add your liquids? after you add the lye and are almost to trace?


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CC~ since you are newer soaper, I'll spell it out for you. ;)

First off, run the recipe thru a good lye calc. No matter where you got it from. Mix the lye solution. [add LYE to water, ONLY, not reverse] and let it cool down. Measure up all the ingredients for your recipe and put the hard oils/butters in a bowl. Micro them till melted and let cool a bit. Add the soft oils and the FO. Stick blend this good and make sure it is well blended. Then add the lye mixture and stir with a silicone spoon or whisk. You want to make sure it is emulisified. Hit it with the stickblender *gently* to ensure this. Then add color if desired. The less you use the stickblender once the lye has been incorporated, the better chance you have of not having the soap fairies come visit you. Just my opinion.

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