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C-3 Wax Prices

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Oh my gosh!! Prices sure have gone up since I ordered last for a 50lb. bag, all suppliers. I used to pay 49.50 now its up to 60.00 or more for 50 lbs. That seems to high to me for a jump.

I guess I am going to have to increase the price on my candles.

I think we will be seeing that everywhere. Plus, I am encountering out of stock everywhere for it.:cry2:

Bummed out!!


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Candle science has it for $49.50

I usually get mine from The Natural Artisan or The Jar Store, but now they raised prices from like $48 to $55 and $56 something. Ugh.

I might save a few bucks getting it from CS now... Besides, I love their FO's.

Hope they don't raise their prices, too!

Darn it, just checked and it's out of stock.

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I usually get mine from The Natural Artisan or The Jar Store, but now they raised prices from like $48 to $55 and $56 something. Ugh.

I might save a few bucks getting it from CS now... Besides, I love their FO's.

Hope they don't raise their prices, too!

Darn it, just checked and it's out of stock.

Was just at CS placing an order and checked the C3 it's instock again. So might want to scoop up a box or two or ten lol.

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Guest LightofDawn

Wow, the price increase is unreal. I just went to the supplier that I purchased C3 from less than a year ago and the price has gone up $20. I just bought a case last weekend for $50 and was able to pick it up.

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Guest LightofDawn

I just check my supplier and now C-3 is $60 per case. :angry2: (purchased a case on 2/16 for $50) I will be watching other suppliers and brands for pricing. If this is going to be just a Naturewax issue I will be definately looking at other waxes that I can pickup locally.

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Oh, boy. I hadn't checked my C3 pricing for a while. Last time I did it was $8 more a case and now it's another $10. The Ecosoya seems higher too, but my supplier's discontinuing that so switching's not an option. There was only one size I was going to have to change pricing on, but now it may be more. This stinks!

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holy moly!:shocked2: I can't believe anyone would give 85 for a case of anything, lol. I am just so jealous of you guys that can pick up your wax & supplies. I have to have everything shipped. Oh, well, it was nice while it lasted. Nothing we can do about it.


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Here is a great chance for other soy wax companies to come in and take away some of cargill's business.

You might be able to find another wax cheaper, but across the board soy wax prices have gone up fairly consistenly in the past 8 months...some due to soy crops and some due to increased shipping charges to the supplier which get added into our price. From what I'm being told, expect more increases over the next year as well.

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Guest LightofDawn

FYI it looks like WSP (in Ohio) will start carrying C3 as os March 24th. It looks like the price "right now" is going to be $58.50 per case. I hope this holds true be cause WSP is only about an 1/2 hour from me and I will be able to save of shipping.

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It's $85.00 at Boleckscrafts!!!

That's WITH shipping included! I buy from Boleks locally and it's $60.00 a case but I just got off the phone with Chris and he said soy wax prices are rising yet again!~

This is due to the government telling soy farmers to convert to corn for making Ethonal! Thousand of farmers made the switch because the government paid them to make the switch. Other farms have gone belly up as well but it's mostly the goverment that caused the huge soar in soy products with their Ethonal program.

Right now I'm in a holding pattern as far as the candles go. I have to wait to be called back to work next month before buying anymore wax. But I will also see how much jars and such are increased as well. I know, that if things don't pick up soon, I will completely forefit my candles. I raised my prices by $2.00 a candle and if soy wax continues to climb, I will just go out of the candles by the end of the year.

All of the hobby chandlers have discontinued their candles and shows so lots of people will be new customers. Good thing God told me to start researching and Making CP soap! Still, I won't be selling it for over a year or more.

My shows start up in July.


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C-3 is $64.50 a case at Lone Star, and V-1 is $70.00 a case. :shocked2: Ecosoya PB is $69.50 a case at Candlescience and the MC all natural votive/pillar wax (palm/coconut blend) has jumped to $82.75 a case, so it doesn't look to be just a Cargill thing.

I may start focusing more on bath goodies, because if my customers balk at either a price increase or a switch to a parasoy blend, candles may go right out the window.

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That is cheap right now...I just checked Gen Wax and it's up to 77.50 which is a 20.00 increase in the past month. I'm sure shipping from the East Coast would be $100!!

My price has only gone up like 1.25 at http://www.thenaturalartisan.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=SW%2DNWC3CR1Q3

56.25 for 1-3 cases 50 lbs. If you buy more the price goes down.

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