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Subing RBO oil for Safflower oil in recipe?

Fire and Ice

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I was looking for yet another new and basic recipe to soap tomorrow and came found QuietGirl's Basic Bar.:

Olive Oil~ 25%

Safflower Oil~ 25%

Crisco~ 15%

PKF~ 15%

Coconut76~ 15%

Shea Butter~ 5%

As I don't have Safflower Oil, I went to the Soap Calc and checked the number between Safflower and RBO

SAF~ Hardness7, Cleansing~0, Condition~90, Creamy~7

RBO~ Hardness~26, Clean~1, Condition~69, Creamy~25

I plan a 2# batch, no water discount, superfat 5%

Any advice? I don't want to do 50% OO because I just don't care for it on my skin as much and I've got lots of RBO to use.

Carebear~ I read the recipe thread and I noticed you liked the soap a lot. is Safflower oil an oil I should add to my soaping oils?

All advice greatly appreciated,


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Don't compare the "attributes" numbers - compare the fatty acid profiles.

I do use safflower a lot since I love this recipe, but haven't tried subbing it out.

I use the high oleic safflower, and good subs for this might be canola or high oleic sunflower. Olive looks ok too but I'm not confident about that one. Some have issues with DOS and canola at that level. I've had no issue with DOS with the recipe as written.

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Don't compare the "attributes" numbers - compare the fatty acid profiles.

I do use safflower a lot since I love this recipe, but haven't tried subbing it out.

I use the high oleic safflower, and good subs for this might be canola or high oleic sunflower. Olive looks ok too but I'm not confident about that one. Some have issues with DOS and canola at that level. I've had no issue with DOS with the recipe as written.

I don't have nor plan to ever use Canola for just that reason.

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This is all starting to sound mixed up. Let's at least get the oils organized.

Family A:

Regular (linoleic) safflower oil

Regular (linoleic) sunflower oil

Soybean oil

Family B:

High-oleic safflower oil

High-oleic sunflower oil

Olive oil

If the recipe was based on regular safflower oil and you want to make the original soap, you have to use regular safflower or a similar linoleic oil like sunflower. Soybean is also worth considering since it's in the ballpark, plus economical and convenient to get.

It's fine if you want to use an oleic safflower or sunflower oil, but it will make a different soap. In fact, it won't be a world of difference from just doubling the olive oil.

Pure instinct here, but I think RBO could work well in place of the safflower. It won't be the same but it could be a good change.

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Thank you, Top. I don't have any of the other oils listed. I've got Olive oil, RBO, SAO and some Avocado oil. but as I said in my first post, OO it's not a major favorite of my skin so I was looking for somethig other than OO.

Our roads are a mess as is my driveway right now and I'm not going into town for several days Maybe Monday but probably not til much later next week.

I'll give the recipe a try with RBO.:cool2:


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Thank you, Top. I don't have any of the other oils listed. I've got Olive oil, RBO, SAO and some Avocado oil. but as I said in my first post, OO it's not a major favorite of my skin so I was looking for somethig other than OO.

Our roads are a mess as is my driveway right now and I'm not going into town for several days Maybe Monday but probably not til much later next week.

I'll give the recipe a try with RBO.:cool2:


Here is a recipe to consider

Avocado 20%

Coconut 20%

Crisco 25%

Palm kernal 15%

Rice bran 15%

Shea Butter 5%

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