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Turning A Profit, With High Shipping Costs


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You're absolutely right! In time, with larger batches, it might prove to be important, but right now, if I make a 2lb batch, it's a BIG deal. For the most part, I'm working in 1lb increments. And yes, I was being completely sarcastic. Instead of asking me for reasons why I was doing something that she felt was "wrong" she went off on her "flat-ass" tangent. Don't need it. I came here to get new ideas and share what I've learned, not get scolded like a child. I went out of my way NOT to say "This is the right way, this is the only way!!!!!" and purposely said "This is what I do, this is what I've done it with, and it works for me" For me to take a full "batch" of wax to test burn it is crazy at this stage of the game. Unlike many folks here, a 10lb slab is the largest I buy, and again, 1lb is my regular batch, to take half of that for a "test burn" is unrealistic. I'm sure many of you folks make better candles then I do, but everything I've made, I'm happy with and everything I've burned has burned well for me. I'd say that's progress and a damn good start!!!! Also, I have a VERY small 4 room apartment; I barely have enough room in my kitchen to hold all of my supplies. For me to test burn every scent and every batch is impossible. As it is, just from the production end of things, I've lost at least 50% of my sense of smell. I currently can't smell much of a difference between my cappuccino and my fresh cut roses. There's a difference, and a big one at that, but my tiny apartment is so full of scent right now that I can't smell it (Draco assures me that she can and they both smell wonderful though). So for me to have several different scents burning at the same time just doesn't work.


Dearest, I'm not leaving the site, I'm sure I'll still spend time reading and occasionally even posting, but to get smacked down and around like this after less then 24 (actually, just about 12) hours on my own screen name is discouraging. There's plenty of ways that Beth could've gone about saying what she wanted to say that would've been productive and well received, she chose not to, that's her business.


I don't come to message boards/forums/chat rooms/newsgroups/etc... for verbal beatings. They're unnecessary and usually a sign of some type of insecurity. If I really need a cyber slap, I can go say something really stupid to one of my professors and get one there, at least I'm paying for that! This is not to say that I don't appreciate other viewpoints and ideas. I do, very much, especially from those who are more experienced, however, there's a right way and a wrong way to go about it.

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I work 2 jobs, am a wife, mom and grandmother and help my husband with one of his businesses and make candles for my customers. I still find time to test candles. I may not get to test every day as I may not be home for a full 4-5 hours (awake that is). But the days I am...I got all those babies lit up.

Beth by no means was attacking. So please do not attack her - especially double team. That is totally unfair.

I see you and I have a diffrence of opinion here that is not worth arguing about, as I do not wish to continue the argument. I will say this however, you might feel diffrently about Beth's tone if it was directed at you, or if you had a diffrent opinion then her, or if you were new to this craft and this site.

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When I test... here is what I do.

I FIRST test a full candle for how the wick will do. If i am satisfied I have the right wick THEN I make another candle, full one, and farm it out to a friend who does testing for me. I cant smell my candles much anymore....like you i have a small space so testing for scent throw has to be done AWAY from home.


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We have done that in the past when we first started. I mostly make votives and tarts and have tested both in full. I feel as though it is being assumed that I do not test at all, which is not the case. All we are trying to say is that we do not believe in testing every FO and every batch we make.

I have been using the wicks and the same wax, so I know at this point that my wicks work with my wax, burn safely and sent well with the FO I have tested. For the small batches that I do, I feel this is good testing.

We all seam to have diffrent opinion on this, and I like that, I really do.... i just do not being told that I am "wrong" with my way of doing things. That is like telling me my fingerprint is wrong. IMHO

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I see you and I have a diffrence of opinion here that is not worth arguing about, as I do not wish to continue the argument. I will say this however, you might feel diffrently about Beth's tone if it was directed at you, or if you had a diffrent opinion then her, or if you were new to this craft and this site.

I wouldn't have a different opinion if I agreed with her or if I didn't. I have thick skin and truly appreciate when someone is forthcoming and honest about something I am asking about or dealing with.

Like I said...good luck with your candlemaking.

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... I will say this however, you might feel diffrently about Beth's tone if it was directed at you...

It's funny though.....my post wasn't even directed at you.

It is not very economical to completly fill a large container, burn it day and night till you believe that it is perfect, then do I all over again. It is a waste of produce, of time, and not realistic for me who works a full time job, or for dru, who is a full time student.
LMAO!! If that's your view, then get out now, you are in the wrong business. That's like saying there's no need for Ford, GM and the rest to crash test their cars. Gimme a break! Every one here has obligations. To home, to family, to a job, to school, to kids, sports, and, to make a quality and safe product.

Look. There was nothing nasty to my original post. It was obvious to me that although drusilla had read some of the other links regarding testing, she still feet that her method was adequate. I'm simply stating that it's not. That's not being nasty, just honest.

It doesn't matter to me if you consider this a business or a hobby. If you are selling them to others, even in small qty's, or even if you're giving them away, you are still providing what is quite possibly an unsafe product to other people.

The reason for these boards is for people to learn what's right and wrong. What is safe and what is dangerous. And to contribute to helping others when they can. Biz tried in an oh-so-subtle way to convey the same message I was but the point was obviously not taken. I've been doing this for 6 years. I still learn new things from this board and others, almost every day. You both admit to being very new, and I'm just letting you know that how you are testing is quite incomplete and possibly a hazard.

You are making a product that has an inherent reputation for being dangerous. People have died from faulty products and faulty testing procedures. The biggest of the big candle makers have had recalls due to faulty products.....and more than likely from inadequate testing. You are making a product that has the potential to burn someones house down and to kill innocent people. It's not something to be taken lightly.

I could care less if you don't care for my tone, it was merely misconstrued on your part. My posts here over the last 4 years have been meant to be helpful. The only reason I've ever been "nasty" as you like to call it, is when people (usually new) come in with a know-it-all attitude, ask for help or suggestions, but refuse to, or worse, try and belittle any advice given.

Welcome, and have fun at what you do. I'm happy to help. But if one of your inadequately tested products hurts someone, don't come running here for sympathy.

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The only reason I've ever been "nasty" as you like to call it, is when people (usually new) come in with a know-it-all attitude, ask for help or suggestions, but refuse to, or worse, try and belittle any advice given.

Welcome, and have fun at what you do. I'm happy to help. But if one of your inadequately tested products hurts someone, don't come running here for sympathy.

Hmm, "know-it-all attitude" I don't think saying "this is what works for me" counts there.

"Asking for help or suggestions", nope, I didn't do that either, I offered some.

"Refuse to or worse, try and belittle any advice given", eh, still gonna have to go with no on that one. I didn't belittle anything; I gave my POV, my reasons, and stuck with my method. I wasn't condescending in any way shape or form; I even said that it was likely, that I was doing it "wrong".

Wanna try another reason?

In so far as "running here for sympathy" it isn't really in my personality. If something's got me down in the dumps/upset/whatever, I'm more likely to call a good friend, maybe get a pint of ice cream (or a 6-pack of hard cider) and call it a night.

Now I'm sure I've had enough of this banter (as that's what it's turned into) and I don't think that the author of this thread really wants to pick through this argument to find answers to her question. If you'd like to continue this, send me (or Draco, or both of us) a PM and we can certainly continue to talk about it, that is, if you'd like to talk, not lecture, not scold, etc... In the end, I think that you're going to find that your message was probably meant with good intentions, but that I feel your delivery sucked, and your most recent message is the same. A good way to cause someone NOT to listen is by being overbearing. Scare tactics (i.e. burning someone's house down, killing people, etc...) are also pretty useless on me or I probably would've quit smoking by now.

I'm glad that you have a method that works for you, I hope that you're happy with it and it seems like you are. I have a method that works for me (and let me take the time to state here that container candles probably make up 5% or LESS of what I make and as Draco said up above, voties/tarts which are most of what we make HAVE been tested). I took that method and spent quite a bit of time making just one scent and burning it here at home, for my own recreation and relaxation. That's why I started making my own candles in the first place, for MYSELF. It got very addicting very quickly and the only reason I'm inclined to sell candles now is because I just don't have the space/storage to keep everything that I make!

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if you are just using a small amount in a different container/jar then how are you going to know if in the acutal jar which wick to use to get a full meltpool. guess i've been testing wrong all these years too.

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All I'm going to say is that I wish that the new chandlers would really think about things. I mean, seriously, don't you think that if a corner could be effectively cut that SOMEONE on this board... this board full of people who have decades of experiece... that SOMEONE would be testing only a small amount of wax? The chandlers who make candles for a living, who have thrown their heart, soul and millions of dollars into testing and perfecting their craft all seem to think that testing a small amount of wax isn't the proper way. Yet, when this is pointed out to a new chandler, they get offended because they are told that they are wrong. They get their feathers ruffled because of someone's "tone". Exactly how does one have a "tone" on a message board?

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