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I think I added too much water to my recipe


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I made a Goats milk soap last night, first time doing this. I think i forgot to discount the water for the amount of GM I added. I put it in the deep freeze over night and took it out this morning and it is starting to thaw and its getting oily or watery on top. I went ahead and put it in the fridge so it doesn't thaw too fast. Is this normal for the soap to weep after coming out of the freezer or did I do something wrong? I couldnt hardly sleep last night thinking about if I had added too much water. If I did use too much water, what will happen to the soap? Will it just take forever to cure or is it ruined? And how will I be able to tell if there is too much water. It was a large batch, 70 ozs.



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Laurie, it's typical for the soap to "sweat" when it comes out of the freezer. If you put too much water, it'll just take longer to harden up. I don't know if there is a threshold amount of water where it would be ruined. You had 70 oz of oils? How much water did you add? and how much GM?

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Well thats where the I dont know if I did it right comes in. I was supposed to add 20.26 oz of water (15% discount) so that would mean approx. 10 oz each of water and Gm. But I cant remember if I did it that way. For the life of me I cant remember if I discounted the water or not. Like I said I couldnt hardly sleep last night thinking about it. I changed the water discount to 0% in the soapcalc and came up with approx 23oz water, so if I did add too much liquid it will be about 7 ozs too much. It did come to trace and was thick like pudding when I was putting it in the mold, so maybe I didnt. I would think if there was too much liquid it would never get thick like that. I dont know, I hate second guessing myself.


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I think you should be ok. I put 70 oz of oil in the rainbow meadow's calculator which doesn't discount the water for you. It said there should be 26 oz if you are using water or non-milk liquid. For milk it said there should be 35 oz. So you would still be within the normal range even if you forgot to subtract out the water for the GM added.

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