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Yankme In Trouble - Interesting !


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Very interesting on Yank. I would say that they were probably in trouble anyway, and are using rising fuel costs as a good and quick excuse. A major company like that shouldn't be feeling that great of a hit so quickly, if they were doing exceedingly well.

It should be good for the local man, that's for sure!

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I think they lost a good deal of their business due to the huge influx of candles in all of the department stores. Some of those candles are just as good as Yankee, or better, and cost a lot less. Just take a look at Walmart...they've got a ton of candles at their store. I've never purchased one of theirs so I don't know their quality, but others must because they've got a huge supply at all times. Competition has finally taken a bite out of the almighty Yankee Candle Company and it's put a hurtin' on em.

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I'm not surprised that discount stores like walmart are taking a chunk out of their business. People will buy from them just because they're cheap. Based on my conversations with the general public, I've noticed the average consumer doesn't know the characteristics of a good candle, so it wouldn't matter to them if the quality was inferior as long as the price is good.

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I think a lot of it is that they grew those store way too quick. Look what happens to business that expand too quick; they later pull in several of the lines that they threw out in the good times.

I think High prices and an over satuation of their product everywhere is another problem as well.

Now they are thinning the poor store and thinning the staff as well.:tongue2:

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I think the same a Candle Freak.More business for us.They were always high anyway.I know people buy from Wal Mart and the Dollar stores for low cost.I have a votive still sitting here for month from Wal Mart and I won't burn it. High Flame and dangerous.

A couple weeks ago my husband decided to light that votive again.Sat ii next to him on the end table.I was getting ready to leave and knew he would blow it out before I got home.(He wanted to check it out more).I get out the door and then had bad feelings and went back in and blew it out myself.I told him I don't feel good about burning this thing and he said I was getting ready to blow it out too.

I think Wal Mart candles are unique(jars and design) but they can't be better than what we candlemakers make.Only cheaper for those big jar candles.When people get home and burn them I bet they will be at Craft shows looking for our candles.:yay:


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Even though the numbers are down they are still making 15 million a year. Can you imagine making that much from candles? I don't see how companies can't keep afloat on that kind of income.

I agree some of the cheaper candles can be hazardous. I bought a ball candle to see if I wanted to make them myself. I lit it and the flame was at least 3" tall. I clipped the wick back again and the same thing happened shortly after. I'm glad we all take so much time to keep our candles safe.

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I know two of our local grocery stores sell them and they want over $30.00 for a large jar candle and $10.00 for a 4oz jar candle. And none of their candles are soy wax either. It's all in the name. Now they have there odd scented room psrays that was very funky smells and very high cost!:embarasse

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Even though the numbers are down they are still making 15 million a year. Can you imagine making that much from candles? I don't see how companies can't keep afloat on that kind of income.

I agree some of the cheaper candles can be hazardous. I bought a ball candle to see if I wanted to make them myself. I lit it and the flame was at least 3" tall. I clipped the wick back again and the same thing happened shortly after. I'm glad we all take so much time to keep our candles safe.

They made 15 million in one QUARTER, not in one year. ;) Bruce

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Here are some of the reasons I think they are losing ground in the candle biz:

They are already too expensive and are raising prices again this month.

They were once very selective in where their product could be placed, now they are all about placing their product in just about any large scale chain to make a buck, and it is CHEAPENING THEIR IMAGE. I just learned the other day that they will be placing Car Jars and other air fresheners in hundreds of Staples office supply stores across the country (although they claim they will not be selling candles there). They are already in Bed, Bath & Beyond, Linens & Things, Penney's, Hallmark, Costco, VonMaur, Cracker Barrel, and who knows how many other chains I've forgotten. Do any of them seem like prestigious places, other than possibly VonMaur? I recently saw some of their discontinued candles in Marshalls for less than wholesale cost.

They are selling domestic items like clocks, dishes, and other items that are not related to candles, and seem to have little appeal to anyone. Those items are also substantially over-priced. I don't think they can quite figure out what people want or need in their homes besides their candles. They spend who knows how much doing their candle research, yet I wonder how much they've invested in researching what people buy in home decor. They need to eliminate that stuff completely. They've mastered candles, but don't have a clue about the other stuff.

They provide terrible customer service to wholesalers.

Something else I read about them in another forum stated that Yankee is considering creating and marketing their own brand of "cheap" candles for sale in discount stores or supermarkets in order to grab part of the multi-billion dollar industry in cheap candles. How sad is that, that you claim to have a "premium" candle, but you now want to take a step backward and make an inferior candle just so you can make more money. They're digging their own grave at this point.

Yankee is coming out with a new look for their housewarmer candles soon. The change doesn't sound drastic, but I think it is just an attempt to drum up more sales from stores who will not want the "old style" around once the new ones are available.

For everyone who makes candles here, if you're good at it, now's the time to hit small independent shops and show them what you've got. Inthe past it cost a minimum investment of $3,000 to get Yankees in your shop. Now wholesale cost is going up to $11 for the 22 oz jar, so I'm sure the minimum investment will increase as well.

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I think they hurt their self when , their prices kept getting higher and the last candle my son bought me, was so bad. it had no scent. smoked & sooted the jar, which was real thin. he had paid about $22 for it. i told him to never do that again. today i went on their site. the tart is $1.59 for 0.8... not even a ounce. mine are 1 1/2 oz and i sure don't charge that much for them. if i did nobody around here would buy them, heck i wouldn't pay that much for them even if i was rich.

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