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Dead Sea Clay? INCI: Kaolinite


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This may be a no brainer to some of you, but in all these years of soap making I've never jumped in the water and made DS soap. Now I have someone counting on me to make it.

Some time ago I bought what I thought was DS mud. Turns out it is DS Clay. A dry powdered substance. I was told to put it in my lye water and not discount my water (which I ALWAYS do!). However, I have no clue how much to use.

1. Can anyone tell me what the normal usage rate PPO is for this stuff?

2. Any behavioral tendencies I should watch for?

(super heating, FO eating, etc. )

thanks so very much :)


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Seriously? I purchased this from a larger and very reputable supplier. She told me that she uses it all the time in her soap. To add it to my lye water and not to discount my water as it will soap up lots of water. But she is out of town at the Texas convention, and I see it is no longer on her website.

This is frustrating :(

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Woo hoo don't you just love it when you are required to turn yourself into a mad scientist to make soap? I would suggest that you try it several different ways. Maybe try it like you were originally instructed, then try adding it at trace mixed into a little water. I've never tried the powdered DSC, but I hope it works out for ya. Let us know and don't forget to post pics!

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I've soaped it a couple of times.... either I added it at trace... or used it in my swirl portion to have mud swirls. :)

I usually mix it up with a bit of my soaping oils in a cup before adding my lye water. Stir it up real good with a popsicle stick to get out any lumps. Then either throw it back in your batch at trace, or add a bit of soap to the clay in the cup for your swirl portion.

Too much will give you brown bubbles though, and show up on the washcloth. Ask me how I know! lol I tend to have a heavy hand sometimes with colorants and clays!

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I've soaped it a couple of times.... either I added it at trace... or used it in my swirl portion to have mud swirls. :)

I usually mix it up with a bit of my soaping oils in a cup before adding my lye water. Stir it up real good with a popsicle stick to get out any lumps. Then either throw it back in your batch at trace, or add a bit of soap to the clay in the cup for your swirl portion.

Too much will give you brown bubbles though, and show up on the washcloth. Ask me how I know! lol I tend to have a heavy hand sometimes with colorants and clays!

Are you speaking of dead sea clay in particular? I find this clay isnt like the others and you will never get as fine of a powder from it. Using the same technique with other clays, say bentonine for example, I have had no problems adding to the lye water.

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Well, you made me doubt myself...lol so I went dig it out my tupperware box to make sure! :)

I have Dead Sea Clay. Powdered. Mine is not coarse though. It's a fine powder. Don't remember where I purchased it from, and no label reminding me of where I got it either. :angry2:

Are they're different types of sea clay?

Are you speaking of dead sea clay in particular? I find this clay isnt like the others and you will never get as fine of a powder from it. Using the same technique with other clays, say bentonine for example, I have had no problems adding to the lye water.
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Well, here is what I did. Mad scientist was in full force here, lol

First, I pulled out just a smidge of my lye water and added just a smidge of the clay to it to see how it would react. I came back a bit later to find that Yep! it suck up all the lye water to form a gel like mass of goo. Scratch adding it to the lye water.

Since my DSC happened to be more like clay and beach sand in texture, I decided that a scrubbie bar/foot type bar was in order. So, I mixed 3 Tablespoons of DSC with half as much salt as my oils, and made a batch of Dead Sea Salt Bars.

So far they seem to be curing nicely. I'm very curious to see if I actually like them as an exfoliating type of bar in the end :)

Thank you everyone for your great input on this subject :)

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