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Well, my candles look good, smell awesome and burn perfectly, but that damn mushrooming....I thought I could learn to live with it...but I don't think I can!lol:mad:

Once I get rolling again I think I am going to re-test different wicks.....

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As someone who "buys" candles.... I don't give a rats behind about mushrooms! :laugh2:But heaven help me if I get a candle that doesn't have a hot throw. :smiley2:

I had a BEAUTIFUL Circle E candle.... and that thing produced mushrooms unlike anything I had ever seen, but the hot throw more than compensated for it..... it was my motivator to get into this hobby in the first place.

Just my :2cents:

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I agree with pixisprkl. Someone gave me a Circle E for a house-

warming gift. I loved the strong scent, but hated the way it burned. That's when I decided to get back into making candles.

Thank you Circle E.

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Gotta love/hate thing going on with the mushrooming .. but i walk pasted mine every now an then an flick'm off lmao ..

i have a knitting needle i keep by it an when the flame gets really high i know a mushroom formed so i walk by an flick it off :laugh2:

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As someone who "buys" candles.... I don't give a rats behind about mushrooms! :laugh2:But heaven help me if I get a candle that doesn't have a hot throw. :smiley2:

I had a BEAUTIFUL Circle E candle.... and that thing produced mushrooms unlike anything I had ever seen, but the hot throw more than compensated for it..... it was my motivator to get into this hobby in the first place.

Just my :2cents:

I compete with Circle E and Tyler candles in the shopping strip where I carry my candles. I've never burned a Circle E. I'll have to try one. :grin2:

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I compete with Circle E and Tyler candles in the shopping strip where I carry my candles. I've never burned a Circle E. I'll have to try one. :grin2:

The only thing I like about them is their containers....nice solid thick glass and you use the lid as a platform to set the container on.

I had birds of paradise... lovely scent. Was double wicked and had HUGE mushrooms... haha. But as it burned down, the wicks looked like they were laying down. I don't think they worry about keeping the wicks straight after pouring.

We have Tyler candles here in the same shop as the circle E.... never have tried them though.

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