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Massage Bars


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I received a bar of soap in one of the swaps. It had what looked like to me tiny pebbles for the top layer for the massaging part.

I'm thinking they laid a layer of what ever this is/was in the bottom of the mold poured a layer of soap and added more massaging thingies and then more soap.

What I'm trying to figure out is what would be the best things to use in this soap for the massaging part?

I absolutely loved the feel of the massaging on my body :laugh2:

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No it's none of those. They look like some kind of seeds or little bitty rocks. I'll have to see if I can find it and try to get a good pic of it. It's an amazing bar. I may just have to dig a piece out to see if it will mash like a seed or not.

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The label is long gone. It was from the Essence of Nature swap I think it was called that Grandma Arial hosted. I'll have to see if I can find out who made it. If I find out what they are I'll let ya know.

Of course I can't find that damn bar of soap now. :laugh2: I saved some of to see if I could figure out what they were.

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I got it in the Quench My Thirst Drinks of Summer Swap. Shannon WY made them. Maybe she will chime in here.

No they are about the size of a split pea but not split :laugh2: LMAO They they have to be some kind of seed I would think but I just have no clue what kind of seed they could possibly be.

I just can't see putting little bitty rocks in there due to drain issues.

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sounds like whole coffee beans or something. Was it the iced vanilla late one?

Bingo Carrie I think you might be right. Gonna have to buy a few and give them a try.

It really did a great job of massaging really made me feel relaxed. So I'm going to buy some and try to make a small batch of cp with them and see what happens. I'll keep ya posted.

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