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I'm having a problem w/the Coffee liquid Dye from Peak!


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I can't get it to make anywhere NEAR the color chart on the bottle!! :confused:

Even with about 8 drops I get this dark gold color, not even close to brown or coffee color. :(

I'm using capp. hazelnut FO, and I already have the exact same color for Amish Harvest, and this color just doesn't go with this FO anyway. :(

This is the only "brown" that Peaks offers, so am I doing something wrong?

I used this once before, but I had also mixed it with the honey colored dye so I thought that is why it was a more "yellowy" color, but now I know it's just this dye.

So, does anyone have this problem with this color? And if you are using the Prisma Liquid dyes that Peak offers, how do YOU make a nice brown color?

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Thanks Candleman, I hadn't even thought about using some of my primary liquids to make a brown, b/c I thought I HAD brown already. :rolleyes:

But this is sooo obviously NOT brown. I'm just bummed that now I have these cappucino hazelnut candles that smell sooo good but are almost exactly the same color as my Amish Harvest Candles. :(

I don't know if I can fix the color or not now. ????

I'm just wondering for those that use these liquid dyes if their "Coffee" dye is the same?

I know that the color chart on the bottle isn't exactly the same color as one would get, and I know that different waxes will give slightly different colors/shades etc. but this color is no where near what the chart shows. :(

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I use that color and it's definitely brown...interesting. I use it in my brown pillar sets as well as my brown jars. Are you using 8 drops/lb of wax? Do you have any black? Add a drop of black if you have it...

The golden honey/vanilla is one I have troubles with. It doesn't matter how little I use, it's never very light.

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Well I kept thinking either I was doing something wrong or my dye just had too much yellow in it, so I asked Trish (since we use the same wax) if she had a pic. she could send me so I could see what hers looked like, since she says it looks just like coffee with creamer in it when she does it.

Low and behold hers is the exact (or pretty dang close) same color as mine. Then when hubby came home I asked him if he thought the candle looked like a coffee color, and his response was, "well it looks like coffee with creamer in it" LOL Go figure.

I twirled the candle around in the bright light etc. and I still don't think it's "right" but I guess it's just ME, but I can't help but think it looks like there is too much yellow to it.

I DID only use about 6 drops, but it just seemed to be getting more yellow instead of darker, so I gave up and poured it thinking it may look differently when cooled in the jar ya know?

I will definitely dig 'em out and try to "fix" them though, b/c to ME they just don't look right, besides the fact that they are almost the same color as the AH I do, which I really like. ;)

WOW Brat that is a BEAUTIFUL dark chocolate brown, very pretty, a little darker than what I was looking for, but definitely along the same hue/tone. Thanks for posting that, it gives me hope that I can achieve a dk. brown with that dye even if I have to add a little bit of another color. So it's purple you added, hmm very interesting.

Cheryl & Kate, that seems like an awful lot of dye per pound, it doesn't give you any problems, doesn't effect the burning or anything? I'm always paranoid to use that much, besides thinking I'll never be able to cover up the smell of the dye, I always worry about the burn effect. ???

Pam, I do the same as you, whenever I'm wanting just a touch of color added, or am unsure of the dye etc. I use a toothpick. ;)

I swear to make pink with the red dye, even the tiniest bit of dye on the end of the toothpick gives a good not so pale pink. :eek: When I first started I got pale pink dye chips in my candle kit from Peak, and it made the prettiest palest pink, but I think that's virtually impossible with this dye, although I've come pretty close with the toothpick. ;)

Thanks everyone, looks like I'll be digging these out either tonight or tomorrow and trying out the ideas you all gave and see what happens.

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