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Is this normal

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I am testing both a dye free and chunk candles right now. Both are in a 9 oz hex jar and both scented with Amish Harvest at 1 oz per 16 oz of wax. So far in my testing (still not completly done yet) the dye free is at wick size RRD 29 (still waiting for that one to reharden from switching the wick since RRD 34 was a torch) and the chunk candle is at RRD 40. (That one seems to be burning good, but still does not have a hot throw imo- could be candlenose). Does the little bit of dye that I have in the chuck candle affect the wicks that much? These are my first 2 that I have done (dye free and chunk) and I have not tested full color with these new wicks yet.

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the dye free is at wick size RRD 29 (still waiting for that one to reharden from switching the wick since RRD 34 was a torch) and the chunk candle is at RRD 40. (That one seems to be burning good, but still does not have a hot throw imo

Why did you wick up so much for the same size container? I suspect the FO is burning off! I don't know anything about RRDs but I sure wouldn't expect to have to wick up that much for a little dye in otherwise identical candles! Photos would be helpful... :confused:

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I don't know why they seem so far apart, I'm at a complete loss for words. I started both at RRD 34. I did not start testing the dye free one until I was up to RRD 40 for the chunk candle. I started with RRD 34 since my wick suggesion chart said that was the lowest for a 2-3 inch container dyed a medium shade, so I thought that would be a good starting point.

I barly got a melt pool with the 34 for the chunk after 4 hours, so after the 3rd burn test and still not getting a good melt pool (Lots of hangup on the sides) I decided to try the 37's (next size up). Same thing happened with this wick as the 34's, but a little better melt pool. So I pulled that wick and now working on the 40's. (which is almost the middle of the road according to the wick chart for my jar size). I'm getting a better melt pool with that one, but I didn't center my wick very well, so I'm getting hang up on one of the sides.

Since I was up to the 40's on the chunk candle, I decided to light my dye free one to see how that was going to be. I only filled the dye free up half way so I can get a feel for how the bottom half of the jar would burn before trying a full jar. The 34's was a huge torch and I had a full melt pool and a huge carbon ball on the top before the full 3 hours was up. So that is why I pulled it and went down to the 29's. I just lite that one again to see how the 29's do.

I will work on getting pictures for you to show how they are burning.

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Its about an hour into my burn test and I walked into the to take some pics and I HAVE A HOT THROW... from what candle, don't know. :confused: I lit both of them at the same time so I can get pictures. I'm thinking it is from my dye free because that is the only one I changed wicks on for this burn test. Tomorrow I will continue on doing my one at a time to see which one has the hot throw.

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