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Not tested on animals


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I put this on my labels for all of my bath & body products and then wondered if I should be putting this on my room spray labels too. I'm sorry if this is a dumb question but my brain hurts! lol

~Thank you

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Not sure how that works, honestly. If that is a marketing angle you'd like to tap into, it might not be a bad idea to make it standard on any of your products that apply.

Not to sound silly, but when NTOA is used on labeling, does it mean the product and all ingredients? I'm just wondering what the "requirements" are for being able to use that lingo.

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I was wondering like Sara???Is this lotion you buy as a base and that is stated. Using lotion on a animal is not likely but some of the ingredients used are safe for pets.Many people make pet shampoos and they have to test those and make sure it is safe for pets before selling it. Still a pet could have a reaction to it.Just like people are allergic to some things and not others.

I know you are talking about people lotion and either your own or else a base of some company(but they have to post that).I agree with Sarah.Can you use that??? This is something I didn't do when I sold lotion and never been asked if it was tested on pets.Was asked a couple times where my ingredients list was (as if I didn't have them listed) and told them on the back.They felt kinda put back.


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