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Ummmm... there're 16 ounces in a pound...

You might wanna pour another one correctly if ya wanna be totally anal about it, but, I personally wouldn't worry overmuch about it unless the throw seems weak. You've got nothing to lose by going ahead keeping your little boo-boo in mind, just in case... If it throws well with that HUGE extra ounce of wax in there, imagine how knock-yer-socks-off it'll be without it! The small amount shouldn't cause THAT much difference in wicking, unless it's a terribly difficult FO to wick, etc. It's not like making homemade nitroglycerin on the kitchen table! :shocked2::)

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At this point you might as well try the testers. You used 5.55% instead of 5.88% FO. I find that sometimes small differences like that can affect the burn, so when you figure out what the best wicking is, or whatever you're trying to test, double check it with the amount of FO you'd actually like to use.

Also maybe try not to get stuck on using some specific amount of fragrance oil. You might need to vary it sometimes with different FOs to get the best burn and throw. The 1 oz pp thing is kind of an arbitrary guideline, and it applies a little better to paraffin anyway. Soy doesn't generally throw as well, so you're often better off with more than that.

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