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wicking Sweet pea

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I started testing my sweet pea today. The details are as follows

1 oz fo for 1.1 lbs wax (little booboo there)

no die

no additives

9 oz hex jar

ecosoya 135

poured at 100 on 6/9

I started trying CD 12 per someones suggestions (sorry, don't remember who). The jar got really hot, mushroomed and the melt pool was 3/4 inch in depth about 20 mins before the 3 hour burn test was up. The hot throw was soso. (this was my first test burn so this is a HUGE nono and not happy at all with the results)

I was going to try CD10 next. How much does the FO affect wicking. My old wick series, I used 1.5 oz per 17 oz of wax and never compaired the lower fo amount. If I don't get hot throw the way that I want... then I think I am going to have to increase FO (obviously, safty is the most important).

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Ok... I started doing a test burn with CD10. I am 1 1/2 hours into the test and I have a very weak hot throw (CD12 was much better) and the jar is also as hot with the 10 and I'm still on the top half of the jar. I'm starting to get frusterated with all of this, but I'm determined to get my business up and going.

I'm going to go out and buy some coconut oil and see if that helps at all (since i can pick that up at my local store and not wait for USA to get shipped). However, in some posts I read 1 tsp per pound and others i read 1 tbs per pound, so I'm a little confused on that. I'm sure it is something that I am going to have to test out myself.

If somebody else has suggestions on how to harden the wax up a little bit to slow down the burn, I would appreciate it. Thanks

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