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Need help with a business name

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I have a loose "start selling date" of October 1, 2009, so with that only being about 2 1/2 months away, I need to start thinking about a business name then a logo. I have an LLC already set up, but did not put too much thought into it and variations of the name is way to popular, so I want to put a DBA with it for a name on my candles. I do plan to some day add other items to it besides candles, so I want to keep that option open as well.

One thing that I would like to put in my name is something subtle about my faith. One of the names that I have been toying with "Keziah's Kreations" but my grandma who I highly look up to as a strong Christian did not even know that name was in the Bible. Plus that is my favorite girl name (which I hope to use someday, but so far only been able to produce boys), so do I really want to use it as a business name?

So any suggestions on to help me out?

Thank-you in advance

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Found this on Wikipedia. Interesting.

"Kezia or Keziah is a Hebrew name used in the Old Testament. A number of etymologies have been suggested, among them the Hebrew for Cassia, from the name for the spice tree.[1].

In the Old Testament, the second of the three daughters born to Job after his sufferings is named Keziah (see Job 42:14). The name has been taken to symbolize female equality, since all of Job's three daughters received an inheritance from their father, an unusual circumstance in a time period when women and men were not treated equally [2].

In the United Kingdom, the name Kezia is now unusual, but it was more common in Victorian times. In 1890, the births of 137 children named Kezia were registered in England; in 1990, only 40 were"

I think if that's the business name you want to use, I would go for it.

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Naming your biz. I think is the hardest part. Dont worry about if someone doesnt know if it is in the bible. People will ask. My anti-aging cream is named Selah.( Huge story behind this one) Tons of christians have asked me what does that mean. It is a great conversation. I know when I first started I was HomemadeSuds. Wow.... thought it was great. I made Goat milk soap , right. I had tons of people calling for hops. LOL Thought I made beer. So what I did is pray... then I thought about my business, what I do. I sell emu oil products. So I looked up the history of the emus. Found a trib in Australia and found their word for skin.Their word for skin is Yulay. Then I looked my my madian name Van Witbeck. Found out that Van means front line or royality. Sooooooooo... Van Yulay.... Means. Front line skin care products. So long story short.. Do a research your biz. Sometimes googling a name , leads to another, to another. Till you find what you are looking for. See if that helps. Ask kids for any suggestions, they come up with interesting ideas. My youngest has named half of my products. He is really good at that. :yay:And most of all dont stress about it. It will come and you'll be great!!

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Thanks everybody for your help so far.

Candlelady- That is the reason why that I really like the name Keziah. Shows that we will be treat our daughter with the same equality as our sons. It will fit as a business name beautifully as being a women trying to make it, but like I said, if the Lord ever blesses me with a daughter, it is the name my husband and I have picked out for her. I don't know if I want to use it as a business name as well.

Tangerine- Thanks for the suggestion to not change up letters in common words. As I think about it more, it would be hard for customers to find it.

After lots of thinking this weekend, here is a suggestion that I thought of. Let me know what you think or if you can play off from it to come up with something even better.

"Eternal Lights Candles and Creations"

Its long, but it I think it can easly be called Eternal Lights and the candles and creations are on there to show what I make. I don't know, just an idea that I am also throwing around.

Shoot... just did an internet search and there is an "Eternal Lights" that sells candles for cemetaries. :-(

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