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Old wax ?

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Vegetable waxes typically have a long shelf life. Soy wax should last for years if stored halfway decently, so if it looks and smells OK you don't need to worry about it.

In soaping we use some shorter shelf-life oils and when they're too old you can tell by the off smell. With more saturated solid oils like soy wax I assume it would be the same but I haven't seen it happen personally.

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too funny ...... that's kinda scarey if that is true and we wash our bodies with . I was thinking of learning

You have to be careful and take precautions, but it's manageable. The lye solution turns the oils into soap and gets used up. You always use a little extra oil so there's no caustic left in the soap. It's pretty cool.

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You could try Melt & Pour as an inexpensive way to begin soap making. Just make sure and buy soap bases that are all natural and don't contain harsh ingredients. That way you can discover if you have a market and if you like that sort of craft. I love to Cold Process soap. You go to Soapcalc (or i do) plug in your oils (you can buy most at Wally world) and get a can of lye from Lowes (make sure you get the right stuff) and can make a mold out of nearly anything. Read up and don't be afraid to try a really rewarding craft. There are is a ton of info on the boards. HTH.


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We are starting to get off topic, but do you need anything special to sell soaps? I thought you had to meet certain requirements for your state before selling and that can get costly getting your things tested (not you testing, but getting your product tested by the state). I wanted to make soaps but got discouraged about that.

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