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LOL Lynn..if you see a red X there, it means that there is a broken link. Nobody can see the picture or get to it with the red x. Well..almost nobody, sometimes it can be done, but we won't go into that right now :D To clarify, the red X is NOT a way to get to the image! it means somebody somewhere screwed up!

Possibly, but not necessarily true. Especially when you're on crappy dial-up. I often have pictures that wont load the first time, sometimes after repeated tries. Anytime I get the red X, I right click and select show picture. Sometimes it takes a half dozen tried before the darn thing loads.

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Possibly, but not necessarily true. Especially when you're on crappy dial-up. I often have pictures that wont load the first time, sometimes after repeated tries. Anytime I get the red X, I right click and select show picture. Sometimes it takes a half dozen tried before the darn thing loads.

Which is exactly why I said it the way I did

Well..almost nobody, sometimes it can be done, but we won't go into that right now :D

Seemed like a wee bit more information that the circumstances warranted.

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I click on the red X and nothing.Have done it a couple times with most of the post still nothing.I ususally try 2 times and give up.I either thought I don't know what I am doing or just plain cannot get it.So when all are saying IT Looks nice.I wonder what IT is.

I'll try to find another but not sure I've seen some for a few days.Might have to do some soul searching.


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Guest ShellyRobyn

Very cute site. So warm and welcoming. Your pics are very clear and sharp.

You need to lower case the g on grab and make you a your. And I know it saves space, but I think you should spell out Christmas in the places where you've put Xmas. Was that gentle enough? :smiley2:

So, Grab you favorite drink, sit back and enjoy.

Here is my new website. www.pollyannasattic.com Let me know what you think. What I should change. Misspelling! etc. Be gentle. LOL
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