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Liability Insurance or not?


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:laugh2:Saw this on a new candlemaker 's website...makes you want to laugh!

XXX will not be responsible for any injuries, damages or losses of any kind due the use of any candles or any wax items purchased from XXX. (Candle burning is a huge responsibility, please strictly follow all instructions.) In the event of injury or damage, XXX maximum liability to you is the amount you paid for the product. Your purchase from XXX signifies your acceptance of these terms and policies. Please read Candle care very carefully!

Yeah! that's going to go a long way when someone burns their house down with one of your candles...

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I have liability insurance and I've had that similar statement on my site for about 7 years. People don't think, don't follow instructions and do stupid things, anyone can sue anyone for anything. So I say it can't hurt to let them know upfront to use common sense because if they burn their house down because a cat knocks over a lit candle while they were out all day shopping they ain't getting a dime out of me.

True story, but not involving me personally. A woman came into my husbands store and was going on and on about how her best friends 2 million dollar house burned to the ground from a CANDLE. Well he asked how did a candle burn the house down. Her reply was " She was out shopping and left a candle burning on a table and the cat knocked it over" So the lady is suing the candle manufacture. :shocked2:

Edited by funkymonkey66
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I think of a statement like that on a website is important as people are dumb and do not take the care to burn a candle with responsibility. This does not mean you should not have insurance for your products, just another reminder to customers.

They have warning labels on everything…Do not use this hairdryer in the shower…you know someone, somewhere was an idiot. :shocked2:

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A long time ago my first insurance agent advise me not to put this type of disclaimer on my website and products...because it makes it sound like you know you are selling something potentially dangerous.

Plus I doubt this type of disclaimer would hold water in court if someone is suing you...

Instructions and warning labels on proper use of candles yes, and yes, liability insurance is a must...anyone selling candles without it is a fool as far as I am concerned.

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Plus I doubt this type of disclaimer would hold water in court if someone is suing you...

Instructions and warning labels on proper use of candles yes, and yes, liability insurance is a must...anyone selling candles without it is a fool as far as I am concerned.

It's a legal trick. By posting that disclaimer you lower your liability. If you actually get a judgment against you, it might get you a discount on the amount of the damages.

If everything else is equal, that disclaimer might be the one thing that saves your butt. It gives you a chance to say that you did everything you could to warn the idiots.

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Plus I doubt this type of disclaimer would hold water in court if someone is suing you...

Liability insurance if anything gives you the means to defend yourself. You have to be able to afford to go to court. It's not as simple as if someone says my product burned their house down, ta da- XYZ insurance cuts the idiot in question a check.

So what holds water in court is really up to the person deciding who was negligent. The moron that left the candle lit unattended with her acrobat cat or the person that went out of their way to educate the potential dangers if not using common sense with their products. It's a no brainer but I guarantee it will take at least 5 grand minimum in court costs and legal fees to get there.

Edited by funkymonkey66
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My cats tail went up in flames like a roman candle from one of my own candles as I was in the house getting ready for work in the bathroom with the candle right in front of me...hmmm...I wonder if I can sue myself for stupidity...lol :rolleyes2

Needless to say my cat never swhished her very fluffy tail again over one of my candles!

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My cats tail went up in flames like a roman candle from one of my own candles as I was in the house getting ready for work in the bathroom with the candle right in front of me...hmmm...I wonder if I can sue myself for stupidity...lol :rolleyes2

Needless to say my cat never swhished her very fluffy tail again over one of my candles!

poor kitty. :sad2: Even though that does sounds like something my kitty would do.

I think people these days are way to sue happy. Slapping all these warning labels on things will still not stop the village idiot. We just need to make our products safe enough for even the village idiot.

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