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Understanding Wick Clogging

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First, you could just have a bad wick in the batch.. Or a bad batch of wicks..:(

If you find one type of FO is constantly drowning out or clogging your wick, then yes it very well could be the oil itself, or you are using to much.

When I encounter this problem with a specific oil, I cut back on the % I put in my candle and see if that works. If not, then I will wick up and test that.

There are a few oils that I can not get wicked out all. They will not burn the way I expect them to.. I either find a replacement supplier or don't use them..


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I know that too much dye or really old, thickened dye can clog a wick. I've had bad fo's that just wouldn't burn, I later found out a supplier (closed now) was diluting their oils. I've had a bad batch of wicks that I suspect were exposed to water or at least enough humidity to make them useless. I ordered from Cajun right after Katrina & none of those wicks would burn correctly. So, there's quite a list of what could be wrong, but I haven't ever had additives ruin a burn. I've used psa, ua, coconut oil & beeswax in various combos w/o problem. Do you have more details about what you're experiencing?


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