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Are these fragrances still popular??


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I'm often very hesitant to add certain fragrances to our line because I'm unsure whether or not people still buy them. I'm specifically referring to the following:

Strawberry Kiwi


Juniper Breeze


I personally love all four of these, but wonder if they're something people still purchase on a regular basis. It's just always so hard playing the guessing game of what scents customers want....

I also realize that some fragrances sell well in some areas, but not in others...I was just looking for a general idea.

Thanks for any input :)

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I sold all my strawberry kiwi soap and my plumeria candles this past summer. So I'd say at least in my area people like them. But I only sell those in summer.

Can't comment on the others.

Best way to make sure is try one out and test market it in your area. Thats how I am able to get a feel for what people like and don't like. I am always surprised at what sells as opposed to what I think people will like.

Anything classic like lilac, lavender, vanilla, cinnamon, apple, cucumber melon, etc. still sells well. Some people just keep buying the same scent year after year.

Edited by Candybee
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It is so funny (strange) what I think will sell and what eventually does sell. I've been surprised by it all. In B&B products AH's Flannel Sheets out sold everything while I can't get rid of Lavender...go figure! Clover Fields & Aloe came in second for B&B. Now that Spring is up ahead (hopefully since we are expecting 6-10" of snow tonite & tomorrow) some of my light floral and "spa-like" scents are beginning to move. I can never seem to predict what will move in my area. The "dupe" types don't seem to do well here either.


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Strawberry Kiwi sells great for me. (candles) In my B&B, pear was a top seller and I'm doing candles with it again. Plumeria is a spring scent and I'm doing it in both candles & B&B. I love Juniper Breeze, wish it would start selling again. Instead of choosing new scents, I just bring back old ones. Carole

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Plumeria has been selling real well for me. I am having trouble selling anything with pear in it except for Pomagranate Pear Spice. I just added the Juniper Breeze so not sure on that yet, but I have always liked it. I have never used Strawberry Kiwi, but thought about getting samples and testing it.

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I very seldom like florals, but Plumeria is my fav scent, so I always keep it. Pear is another fav of mine, but isn't a great seller unless it's mixed w/ something. Straw/Kiwi always seems to sell steady. Juniper Breeze seems to go in spurts, but it's a great scent.

You're right though, it's always a roll of the dice figuring out what will sell. That's why I very rarely go out on a limb w/ a scent that doesn't appeal to me, or hasn't been requested.


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Thanks for all the replies! Sounds like Plumeria does well for most, so I may have to give that one a go. It's a shame that most don't seem to like pear unless it's mixed with something....I mean, seriously, pear alone is just drool-worthy IMO :)

As to the Plumeria, has anyone ever done this in CP soap? If so, how did it do?

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Do you have a shop? If so, then burn the pear. I sell more stuff by what I'm burning in the shop at the time. Or make tarts and give out samples if you don't have a place for them to smell it burning.

Sometimes people are hesitant to try something new but if they know the end results it's a sure sell. Personally I love pear & pomegrante from JS. Two of my favorite scents combined in one.

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Do you have a shop? If so, then burn the pear. I sell more stuff by what I'm burning in the shop at the time. Or make tarts and give out samples if you don't have a place for them to smell it burning.

Sometimes people are hesitant to try something new but if they know the end results it's a sure sell. Personally I love pear & pomegrante from JS. Two of my favorite scents combined in one.

No shop for us yet...still a few years away from that dream. Pear & Pomegranate....hmmmmm....I carry a few oils from JS so I may have to consider that one. :)

Pear is just one of those scents that everyone knows what it smells like....I was just wondering if people still bought it on a regular basis. Some oils just become "old school" never to be heard from again and that makes me sad.

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