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Big time rookie mistake -- help


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Okay, I made a huge mistake in calculations today. I know many people aren't putting any preservatives in their M&P soaps with milk, etc., but I got a little paranoid and bought some germaben II E (I'm still trying to figure preservatives out... wish I would have bought one w/o parabens). The WSP rep I talked to recommended I use this preservative in my M&P and lotions.

Anyway, the recommended amount is .5-1%. I just realized I put 5% -- not .5% -- in my batch of OMH soap last night. YIKES! Do you think I should just throw it out, or should I try to remelt it with more base? Is it unsafe to continue using as is?

I'm so bummed. I really love the way this soap turned out!

Thank goodness I haven't had the courage to try CP soap yet... I'd probably blow up my kitchen. :lipsrseal


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M&P does not need any preservatives in it. You can remelt the soap and add more base to dilute the germaben.

Thanks, Candybee. I'm so confused. Maybe WSP was trying to make more sales? They have info on their learning center that says any time you add anything, "like shea butter," to M&P, you need a preservative. So, I contacted them by email to verify, and they said yes and gave me the link to germaben II E. I ordered it with my other supplies. In the week or so since ordering, I've been doing more research and think I understand now that oils and butters don't need preserving, but anything with water does. Or anything that may have water introduced to it, like a sugar/salt scrub which is taken into the shower and wet hands digging in the container.

Is it because M&P already has a preservative, or is it because soap doesn't encourage nasties to grow, that I don't need a preservative?

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All the bases I have seen and tried have the ingredients in them already to preserve your finished soap. I add fresh ingredients all the time like milk, juice, juice pulp, spices, dried herbs, distilled water, etc. Some of these soaps have been shelved for months and are as good as the day I made them.

I see this a lot on other forums regarding M&P soap. Some say you have to add preservatives while others say you don't.

I have made thousands of M&P soaps over the years and have many recipes for lots of additives and never once added preservatives. Never had a soap go bad. The only problems I experience with M&P is lack of lather with too much oils/butters added or greasy soap for the same reason.

I think its one of those things where someone tells someone you have to add preservatives and they pass that info on without actually testing it out for themselves. Then before you know it it becomes a rule and others pass it on and so forth.:rolleyes2

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Darn it. I guess I wasted money on that stuff! The only way to know for sure is, like you said, pour some soap and let it sit for a few months to see if anything grows! Thanks so much for the advice and information. It helps a lot. I'm not going to add that stuff anymore and see what happens.

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I have never added preservatives to M&P either BUT you may not have wasted your $$. Do you make any other products? I use Germaben II in my smelly jellies, body sprays and foaming soaps.

I'm starting to make other things, such as lotions, scrubs and foaming soaps, but to be honest the whole preservative thing has scared me off a little. Yesterday, I made my first batch of sugar cube scrubs using Coco's recipe, and I think it turned out pretty good. I did add a little germaben II E and based the percentage on the non-sugar ingredients.

I think what's got me bummed is it seems the only way to know for sure if bad stuff is growing is to do a challenge test at a lab which would be too expensive for me since I'm making this stuff just for fun. Or maybe I have to wait a year or more to see if something's growing on my products?!? I just don't want anyone to get sick in the meantime.

Maybe I should go back to trying to figure out the candle thing instead!

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Candlemama..don't give up and don't get discouraged....take a deep breath! I make an emulsified sugar scrub & use Phenonip as a preservative and have never had anyone get sick or have moldy anthing grow. I package in a 4 oz. plastic jar which is small enough for people to use in a short amount of time. I have had one sitting around in my shower partially used for quite a while and everything was fine. My soaps have never gone moldy and I do not add any extra preservatives to it. I do use a lotion base and as long as you follow recommended fo useage rates, etc. you shouldn't worry. They account for that in their formulas. Same thing with shower gels.

Above all..you're suppose to be having fun. I, as we all have, have had our share of oops and get frustrated from time to time. Right now I'm quite frustrated with lip balms and flavor oils. Can't get the darn things to smell like anything! Oh well, this too will be figured out!

Send me a pm if I can help...I'll try to do my best. Everyone here is wonderful and no question is stupid!!! (A glass of wine always seems to help :laugh2:).

Many Blessings


P.S... I gave up on candles...just wasn't my calling!

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Thanks, Karen! I am having fun and spending way too much money... hee hee. I have learned so much from everyone here and really appreciate how everyone is willing to share information with newbies like me. I think I just need to slow down and concentrate on making one or two things (good luck with that!). Every time I read about something new, I want to try it, so my mind is going in a million different directions.

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Working on 1 or 2 things at a time is the best advice you can give yourself. I started out like that... had to try everything. I think I had 6 or 7 testing projects going. I was going insane, wasting money and never could get anything to go "my way."

Other things were going on in my home, my husband and I started arguing ALL THE TIME and I was getting discouraged and frustrated that my personal life was going down the tubes. Decided to go and talk to my doctor about getting my ADD under control. Had it since I was in 6th grade, but my mom and I decided never to treat it with medication so I could cope with it without. Having a husband and 2 kids became too much for me to do without some help. Went on that medication and everything is great. Testing is going wonderful, have been able to tell myself to only try 1 or 2 things at a time (except right now I'm doing bombs, tarts and tealight, and PA's soap recipe, but the bombs are my "if time" test right now... so concentrating on mainly the 2).

I'm not saying that you should go and talk to the doctor and get on ADD medication as it is better to learn to do stuff without it, but how my life has changed by being on it and realizing that doing only 1 or 2 things at a time is so much better and your product becomes a lot better because of it too is a wonderful feeling. I take pride in my products, not nervous about them when customers ask me questions. The only thing I'm nervous about with them is "are they going to like them as much as I do? and "will they come back for more?" Which is something I cannot control and have to get over, which is the hard part. :grin2:

So my advice to you to expand on your 1 and 2 things at a time. Grab a notebook and whenever there is something you want to try, just write it in the book. There is nothing wrong with researching new stuff while your testing, but just don't start testing until you completed one. My notebook is full of ideas, notes, websites, recipes for things I want to try someday.

(sorry about the novel, You hit on a topic that I believe saved my marriage, life and business. I couldn't help but encourage you on it. :yay:)

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Have you seen Texas Natural Supplies M&P? It is all natural and you can all types of additives without fear of ruining your soap. http://www.texasnaturalsupply.com/productinfo.aspx?productid=MPCREAM It's really cool stuff.

I recommend Tinosan as a preservative as it's all natural. More and more people are not liking the paraben preservatives and so Tinosan is a much better option for those that don't like them and if you use to much there is no concern like with the parabens.

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