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Votives falling apart after unmolding?

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I've made a ton of votives from the same wax and not run into this before. But a batch I made this week are cracking and falling apart in chunks.

What are the possible causes of this? This is the first batch of this particular wax blend and FO, but all the ones I made before with the same wax and other FOs were fine. I put these in the freezer for about 30 minutes so they would slide out of the molds, but I've done all of the previous ones like that with no problems, and some of the previous ones I'd have forgotten they were there and left them overnight.

I suppose you pillar makers might've experienced something like this too?

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putting them in the freezer will absolutly cause them to crack. Sounds like you are letting them in to long. Either let them air dry or reduce the time.Could be a number of reasons like the air temp in your freexer is colder or if you are repouring right away after its beeen in the freezer, that could cause it too

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Yep has to be freezing them. If you are having problems getting your votives out of the mold, spray the molds with a good silicone mold release or use the powdered mold release in your melted wax, it doesn't affect the burn and really helps. :cool2:

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What do you mean by this particular wax blend? Are you referring to batch number or a new blend you have created? I don't think an fo would be responsible for the structural integrity of the wax to break down. I could see pouring at a really hot temp and then suddenly placing into a freezer as a possible answer to your question. Are we talking mostly soy or mostly paraffin?


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Well, guys, I guess I was just not using enough mold release. I made a few today and I figured what the heck, I'd load on up on the slime and see how it went. I always thought too much would affect the final look of the candles but they slid right out and looked fine.

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