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Do I Need Help with FO Addiction?

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Just ordered a bunch of 1 ozers from Essential. I can't stop. Do you think the board would start a 12 step program for fo addicts?


I'm right there with you Steve! I needed more 1oz samples like I needed a hole in my head, but a site with a BOGOF offer sucked me in last week! I resisted up until the last day, then went for it, now I've got 20 more samples coming, I can't wait for that package to hit my front porch!


sure hope so.. i dont even mess with 1 oz bottles anymore, i start at 8 oz and test in everything lol

I'd tried to do that before last week! No luck sticking with it though! :laugh2:

Edited by mzpickles
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sure hope so.. i dont even mess with 1 oz bottles anymore, i start at 8 oz and test in everything lol

Thats when we know we are full blown addicts... lol. My husbands always like "why did you get 8oz of that stuff if you dont even know if you will like it?"

well honey... there is 2oz for CP... 2oz for HP... 2oz to pour 4 test candles.. and 2oz left over to re-wick or test in lotion, scrub, body butter, roll on perfume, bath bombs.......

and... cue dead expression from husband. lol:laugh2:

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I have begun recovery...well, okay, I am lying. My bank account and credit card will not allow me to purchase even a bag of cheetos, so I am forced to use what I already have & that's all! Okay, it's not THAT bad, but pretty close! As long as I don't begin to sell myself in order to purchase FO's I think I'm going to be okay.

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That is so sad. I frequently loan my business money to float it through heavy out of control sample buying. Otherwise, the doors would have to be shut and I would have to start asking for bottles of fo for Christmas.....Hey, that's a great idea! My list could have all my favorites and friends and relatives would fund my addiction!

I have begun recovery...well, okay, I am lying. My bank account and credit card will not allow me to purchase even a bag of cheetos, so I am forced to use what I already have & that's all! Okay, it's not THAT bad, but pretty close! As long as I don't begin to sell myself in order to purchase FO's I think I'm going to be okay.
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asking for bottles of fo for Christmas.....Hey, that's a great idea! My list could have all my favorites and friends and relatives would fund my addiction!

That is exactly what I did the last couple of years when family asked what I wanted for Christmas. I got gift certificates to my favorite supplier, Sweetcakes!! :yay:

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I go on FO binges, but have gotten them down to every few months or so. I recently got a request from a friend for a VS dupe...Rapture...and instead of just ordering that, I ordered about 30 samples from NG! Yep, I have a serious problem. :cheesy2:

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Raise's hand :) I too am a FO junkie! I usually buy the 1 ounce size to see if I like the scent, then I usually buy the 4 oz size.

Right now, I have at least 200 1 ounce bottles, they are great for my M&P projects, but for my CP, I have to buy bigger.

Glad to see there are others out there with this addiction :)

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I go on FO binges, but have gotten them down to every few months or so. I recently got a request from a friend for a VS dupe...Rapture...and instead of just ordering that, I ordered about 30 samples from NG! Yep, I have a serious problem. :cheesy2:

AH/RE has the best Rapture IMO, so you may want to order again lol.

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Well my addiction is spreading to the children. My 3 girls have to sniff everything. And one of my twin daughters (she is 5) thinks about FOs to mix. She is really wanting me to mix banana and rose. I think I am going to have to hold my nose and do it for her, lol.

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