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Dithering (again)

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After the evil discontinuance of the 12 ounce salsa or straight sided flint jar from my local distributor; I have been searching for a decently priced replacement. CMS has a 9 ounce jar with lid that with shipping amounts to .59 cents a jar. Now this is a great price and the overall dimensions of the jar perfectly fit my 2x4 clear label BUT its a 9 and not a 12 ounce jar. The ad states a max fill of 10oz but I only managed 8 oz with the 12. Somebody push me off the cliff.


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I ordered 8 cases from Fillmore and the jars are fine with the exception that they are not wide enough for the 2x4 clear labels. They are double the price I used to pay beacuse of shipping. SKS (I think) has free shipping on orders that are $250.00 or more and carries what is described as an 11.5 oz straight sided jar (same as Fillmore). My customers love the 12 oz size and the look of the jar and have made it clear they won't buy jelly jars. Sometimes I hate this business.

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The jars from Fillmore are the jars I use. Actually the 12oz is more like 9oz and I use the black lids. Mine are the shorter rounder ones and I get my clear labels from online labels. the 2.125" x 1.68". I also use the size smaller and the size larger.

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Call Fillmore and ask for Keith, Mgr. or Heidi, Customer Service. You can get a price break on large orders. You can save on shipping if you order by the skid load and you can mix and match jars on the same skid.

Here's a pic of my jars. I use the 12 and 16 oz salsa jars with black lids from Fillmore. I also buy my labels from Online labels. I get the 4"x1.75" size. They are almost identical to the 2x4" labels and fit perfectly!


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I just checked and the prices per case w/lids added on are:

SKS - $11.40

Fillmore - $7.53

Fillmore definitely has the best price. I bet when you check to see what the price break for ordering large quantities they may still have the better price even with shipping. Doesn't hurt to call and ask to compare prices.

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The bulk jars are $6.00 per case and the lids are .27 apiece which adds up to $9.24 (.77 apiece) for the 12 oz and the 9 oz are $5.40 with .21 lids which is $7.92. (.66 apiece) and no shipping. Fillmore offers the 12 and 9 oz for $4.65 per case and the lids for .27 and .20 respectively. So Fillmore is $7.89 and $7.05 plus shipping and handling which averages $1.00 a jar for my location. I get my labels from the same place and didn't know that the 2x4 wouldnt fit. They kinda fit if i place them high up on the jar. It would be worth a try to see if Fillmore could get close to that but I don't need a pallet of jars, unfortunately. Thanks for your help.


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Ask about shipping cost for a skid-- not a pallet. You can get a shipping break on the skid load without buying a whole pallet plus you can mix and match jars.

Also-- the 12 oz jars are 4.65 a case with lids at .24 cents each - not .27 cents. A case with lids costs $7.53 not $7.89. Thats .62 cents per jar w/lid. I also wouldn't guess about shipping. I would get a quote first.

BTW-- Fillmore gives you the exact dimensions of the jars and the label heights. Thats how I was able to order labels that fit. You can use the 4" x 1.75" at Online Labels. I use those as I liked the look of the 2x4 and wanted a similar label. They fit perfect and look great.

Edited by Candybee
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Well I looked at the site again and the base price for both jars is $4.65 and the lids for the 12 oz are .27 cents and the lids for the 9 oz are .20 cents. It plainly states that these prices are less than a pallet and nowhere does it offer a different base price for a skid. The optimal shipping rate is listed as 8 cases for the 9 oz and 9 cases for the 12 oz which means that this is how they would ship those jars to me and doubtful they would offer a different price for such a small amount of jars. I have already bought the 2x4 clear labels and they will have to do. i didn't learn about the label height until I looked at another web site which listed the label best used with this jar. I misquoted a price on another thread due to not entering enough lids but the average price per jar remains the same and the amounts could be reduced to stay within the $250.00 free shipping offer. The offset is enough for me to consider SKS as the best available offer on those jars. I like Fillmore just fine and have used them in the past for other jars but shipping is nearly double on the final cost. I would be happy for you to make me a deal with Fillmore and let me know if they are willing to at least match the average price per jar.

Edited by chuck_35550
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Oh and to clear up another misquote on my original post. CMS had a problem with their shipping calculator and the price of the jar is not .59 for the 9 oz salsa. The average price for the SKS 12 oz jar is .77 cents. That's hands down the best price I can find on the internet, due to their being no charge for shipping on a minimum of $250.00. I don't know anyone offering free shipping on their jars. It saves me about .23 per jar, which is not as nice as when I could get the jar for .50 and drive to pick it up. One more thing, this was not the local distributors fault, the company elected to stop offering the 12 oz. I currently have 21 cases of the 16 oz taller salsa which I don't like but oh well. Those were .50 a piece and I guess I shouldn't complain about the last of the truly cheap jars.

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The bulk jars are $6.00 per case and the lids are .27 apiece which adds up to $9.24 (.77 apiece) for the 12 oz and the 9 oz are $5.40 with .21 lids which is $7.92. (.66 apiece) and no shipping. Fillmore offers the 12 and 9 oz for $4.65 per case and the lids for .27 and .20 respectively. So Fillmore is $7.89 and $7.05 plus shipping and handling which averages $1.00 a jar for my location. I get my labels from the same place and didn't know that the 2x4 wouldnt fit. They kinda fit if i place them high up on the jar. It would be worth a try to see if Fillmore could get close to that but I don't need a pallet of jars, unfortunately. Thanks for your help.


Did you check http://www.alabastercandlesupply.com/products.php?cat=8

They have the 16 oz salsa with lid and they are in Alabama so maybe you can pick up. Contact the owner and see if he will get in the 12 oz for you at a good price. It's a pain when you can't get the product you have always used.

Forget this message.. I just saw where you already have this jar and it's cheaper...

Edited by Sharon in KY
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That's where I got my jars from until the mfg decided to stop making the 12 oz jar. Alabaster always had great deals on the salsa and it quickly became a favorite jar with customers (had been using the Crisa tumbler until the lids disappeared) and its a really easy jar to wick. Alabaster thought they were getting a shipment of Chinese glass but it must be held up or fallen through. Either way I need to grab jars now while the price is right, instead of scrambling for jars in the holiday season. I have several accounts that keep me running and last christmas was when the mfg dropped my jars. I had exactly enough jars to complete my wholesale account orders. It's always something in this business; I don't know why I keep trying to stay afloat.


Edited by chuck_35550
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Exactly. You have to call Fillmore and ask about the shipping break. They do give breaks and you don't have to buy a whole pallet. That information is not on the website thats why I suggested you call either Keith or Heidi to get shipping quotes.

Also, the price of the black lids that fit both the 12 and 16 oz salsa jars are .24 cents.

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I did speak with them and they declined any type of offer on a partial pallet. SKS is having to ship the 30 cases on a pallet by truck because UPS refused to ship it and that discussion was by phone. SKS had to confirm the address for the size truck they would need to ship and stated that there would be no charge. Fillmore offered me a pallet and nothing else. So I have about 600 jars in inventory now. I should be good for the long haul (I hope).

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