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CD Wandering

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I use an 18 in my current line of jars. The wicks are centered but about half way through the candle I notice that the wick wilts and begins to burn off center. Trimming doesn't seem to make any difference and different sources offer the same result. Does anyone use a cd 18 or thereabouts that stays rigid and doesn't wander? Could you strengthen the wick with something that wouldn't cause sooting or effect the burn?



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I use an 18 in my current line of jars. The wicks are centered but about half way through the candle I notice that the wick wilts and begins to burn off center. Trimming doesn't seem to make any difference and different sources offer the same result. Does anyone use a cd 18 or thereabouts that stays rigid and doesn't wander? Could you strengthen the wick with something that wouldn't cause sooting or effect the burn?



It could be too hot of a melt pool. Also I have started getting the high melt wax coating on my wicks.

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Thanks for the response Sharon. I like the cdn wicks but can't find them in the 18 size. The mp is just about right for the jar and the flame heighth is good too; so I hate to mess with it. Maybe I can locate some better quality wicks.



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Hi Carole. These are straight sided salsa jars with the 12 0z being 3.19 tall by 3.38 wide and the 16 oz salsa being 4 1/4 by 3 1/4. I use the Clarus 70/30 which isn't good for a zinc. I had been getting the cdn wicks but they seem to be out of stock for the 18 size. If this were a smaller cd then it would be a much thicker wick but these wicks are really skinny and barely waxed. Thanks for any help.


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Chuck, I always give my wick a couple of twist, 3 to 4 and haven't had that problem. Plus they have the high melt point wax coating. Try coating with a harder wax and or twisting. Just do one and see if it makes any difference. I really don't know if it will, since I have done this for years. I do think CD and CDN's burn a little different, maybe the CD is burning hotter.

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