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We have soap!!!!


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Made my first batch of soap (cphp) last night. I must have done enough reading because I trucked right along and only looked at the directions once to see what I'm supposed to be looking for:yay::yay::yay:

I ended up putting some color in it so I can keep the recipes I'm trying seporate (and to start practicing the swirling). I took pictures of it cut (very poorly cut, but cut), but I cannot find the camera cable to upload them. As soon as my husband calls, I'll upload them.

Put it to my tounge and said, hmmm. think that is what it is supposed to "taste" like (as I have never tasted soap or a 9v battery to know what that zap feels like:)) so I cut off a small piece and washed my hands with it. (probably not the smartest thing since I didn't know 100% if it was safe or not:laugh2:) Liked how it bubbled, liked how my hands didn't feel dry, didn't like how my hands didn't feel soft afterwards like my m&p recipe does, but most importantly, my hands didn't burn off... so it must be safe right?

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it looks just like marble to me!! the color is really beautiful.

even tho it's soap right after the cook, it should get milder after a short time. then if you're still not happy with the conditioning properties, you can start playing with your formula.

be careful tho, soap calc can be very addicting! believe me, i know! :laugh2:


Edited by dogmom1
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Thanks guys. I wanted to try the recipe with goat milk this weekend, but needed to finish researching on when to add the milk. My computer fried this weekend, so I couldn't finish :angry2:

I've been finding that some put it in at the end before pouring it into the mold and some mix it with the lye. Would that be the same with cphp too, could I add it just before pouring into the mold, or should I do it after trace before the cooking part in the crock pot?

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Thanks Barbara

Might have to switch to powder because I think I have my first "failed" batch :sad2:. I used liquid, I do have powder in my house, but all my research was saying liquid. What do you mix yours with to make a "think slurry"

Here is what I did with my "failed batch" Maybe somebody can help me too. I took my water amount and "cut" it in half for the amount to mix my lye with. The other half was being left out for my goat milk amount.

it traced really quick and the cooking also went really quick (got to the mash potatoes stages within 10 mins!!!!) I also almost had my first boil over because picked up my bowls and spoons to wash up and when I got back from washing and as I sat down in my chair to watch the cooking, i heard it starting to hit my cover!!! I took the bowl out of the crock pot heating thing to add the goats milk and it turned instantly this icky dark orange/brown color. Couldn't even get it to take color to practice swirling.

So, we will see how this turns out. It still felt and looked the same while putting it into my mold. I'm wondering since it cooked so fast if its still going to be a little acid where it will have to cure like cp before using. (Might get to feel my first zap as well :))

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