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Tallwow Shortage?


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not unjustified paranoia... considering how palm dissapeared from the shelves a few years ago. :rolleyes2 Like Americans arent capable of being responsible for what we do or do not put in our bodies...

But I think tallow will always be around, maybe harder to source- like kitn does you'd have to go to a butcher.. but should always be available as long as we all love steaks and burgers so much :cheesy2:

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I can get a 50 pound cube of tallow from Columbus for $40.00. I just don't need 50 pounds of tallow but it looks like nobody is getting anything anytime soon. I can always go back to my recipes withouth tallow. Went ahead and ordered cocoa butter and other stuff from Columbus but didn't grab the tallow. It would ship by itself anyway. This seems to be a problem with everyone out of stock on stuff way before the rush.



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American cattle farmers reduced their herds last year & this year due to the increase in the cost of feed, corn in particular. The corn is being used to make ethanol causing a shortage of feed, leading to a shortage of beef and tallow. Get ready for the cost of beef to go up substantially in the next year.

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