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first cp


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I guess a pretty complicated method for my first try...

Sorry about the pic quality.. I'm using my son's expensive camera which I obviously don't know how to use, LOL

But anyway, I guess it turned out OK, so far..

I did all the pop colors and some pearl white. I wish I had left more colors for the top, but I'm hoping when I trim them up, they'll be more colorful.

I used a dresser drawer for the mold. My hubs was pretty annoyed "Now you're going to ruin the dresser drawers?" LOL . Then I showed him some real molds and their prices and he shut up.

It's a blend of patchouli - MW, Backwoods and EO. Smells wonderful..

Thanks for looking - I'll post some pics when I cut it.


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Thanks!! That means alot coming from you guys

you are going to be so hooked

I am already!!! That dresser has 3 drawers, HaHa

I have to say, even with all the colors, to me, it was easier than CPHP. Next time I may make a larger batch with less colors and do logs instead of slabs - I will have to get a miter box

I was able to cut it this am


The red faded already to a light pink - It never did gel - I was kind of surprised at that.


Edited by nursenancy
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Looks great!!! I have been wanting to try some CP soap, I just havent had time yet. Hopefully after christmas I can. I like the silk med. tape you used to secure wax paper:) I have had to wrap christmas gifts w/ med tape b/c I ran out of scotch tape

lol! Yeah, seems I always come home with a roll of Transpore tape in my pocket. I even take them back to work with me but they still manage to accumulate at home.

Nice job on the soap, Nancy!

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seems I always come home with a roll of Transpore tape in my pocket

Oh, I hear that! And red pens and tele electrodes....:)

I have also wrapped presents with silk tape

Thanks everybody for the compliments. I'm pretty pleased with the way it came out for my first batch and am looking forward to my second batch. Not sure what FO I'm going to use...

Something christmas-y probably. I'd like to try something dark brown with 24K mica swirls. Maybe hansel & Gretel Love anything sparkly!!!

I would also like to make some dividers for my "molds"

I am hooked, totally!

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