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wickless vs. wicked


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I once purchased one of those little iron skillets that you fill with scented wax pellets and place on a warmer. The shop was just flooded with the fragrance but nothing in comparison when tried at home. The lady explained to me that she kept her overhead fan on in the shop for the purpose of fanning the melt pool and distributing throughout the shop. I tried this and it indeed helped the throw. The pellets usually lasted about 2 days and then you had to add some more. Too messy, too expensive and often forgot to turn off the burner; so I chunked it. I would like to make tarts but wonder how that would affect my candle sales?


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I would like to make tarts but wonder how that would affect my candle sales?


Steve, in my part of the country tarts are a very hot item right now (thank you scentsy!!) and quite unexpectedly have become about 75% of my sales. The people who want the ambiance of a candle still buy candles but offering tarts picks up a whole new clientele who want the fragrance but perceive melters to be safer. Tart customers also like the experience of having a whole assortment of fragrances versus investing in just one with a candle.

As far as the OP's original question goes maybe I'm misunderstanding but IMO a wicked candle would hold its fragrance longer simply because it typically should have a much smaller melt pool at each burn. Or is the wickless not being completely melted each time?

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I agree with Jill, Steve. Tarts are hot right now. Get them in to your line. I sell tons more tarts than candles, but it has increased my business greatly...I had even considered switching over to just tarts, but I like the challenge of candles. My oval portion cups far outsell the clamshells, but I think it depends on the area. Sorry to get off of the original topic.

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