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Source for Obsession for Men dupe?


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Lonestar--I, too, had been looking for quite a while. DH loves the soap I made from it, and I also used my body spray base to make him some cologne and it smells as good as the "real stuff"--doesn't last quite as long, but I'm sure that's because I used body spray base instead of perfume base. For the price difference it's a winner!

Hope this helps.


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While you're there, if you have any market at all for clove, their Zanzibar Clove is awesome--I got 8 oz, thinking I wouldn't sell any at all but my sister-in-law had asked for clove. Well, she didn't get any--it all got snapped up! I've sampled a few other cloves, but that one is the nicest in my wax.

Have fun!


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I can't find it on Elements site :( Does it have a different name?


Darn! It used to be a Flickers oil and I just assumed it was transferred to Elements along with the other oils but apparently its one that isn't. Sorry. It was a great oil. Don't understand why it was dropped.:(

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Because you loved it.. that's why it isn't available. HAHA Go figure! Guess this means I'll have to add another new supplier... darn, didn't want to have to do that. Because you know you have to make the s/h charges worth it at a new supplier! Which means ordering more new FO's to fall in love with. LOL drat!!!

I think I'm leaning towards SOS... I want Pure Grace, and Baby Grace (NG has Baby grace, but it doesn't mix with cyclo so I want to try another supplier), and Obsession and SOS is the only place with all 3. Hope they're worth the extra price.. $4 for 1 oz is sooo spendy to me!

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