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Prest pot pour spout green??

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Hi all! It's me again.:laugh2:I've been making alot of palm GG Candles here this last few days. I have something going on I've not seen before in 2 yrs. I went to pour my hot wax into the pour pitcher and there was some hardened wax from this mornings pour in the spigot. Well I started pouring and it was a little slow coming out at 1st (couple seconds) and then a piece of green colored wax hit the pitcher:confused: I seem to have the brass corrosion going on, it's on the outside so why wouldn't it be on the inside:angry2: What should I do about it. 1. Replace my spigot? 2. Nothing? has this happened to anybody else? If so how did you correct the problem? I know it has to effect the wax, color? I'm at a loss.:confused:

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I have a copper spigot on my wax melter and its been turning green too since I started using GG. I just wipe it clean periodically.

The 'green' wax stuck inside sounds like it was just some wax that got left in the spigot from your last pour and it turned green too. I would see if I could wipe out the inside of the spigot to make sure you get it all.

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I use pipe cleaners, but this seemed to happen all of a sudden. sometimes when I know I'm going to be using it again the same day or next day if there is some wax maybe 8oz or so left I just tilt it up on the lid so the wax doesn't harden in the spigot, then I cover it when it solidifies. Jeez I don't know what happened this time.

Thanks Candybee for your reply I was freaking. I really want a different melter but I make small batches at a time, and I guess I'm afraid to change things now.:laugh2:

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Thanks guys, I cleaned both my pots today and used a pipe cleaner doubled and both spigots were clean when the pipe cleaner came out so I guess I'll have to stay on top of it. When I'm done pouring I usually use all the wax and wipe my presto out with a paper towel while it's still warm.

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Copper & brass will both oxidize to a green. The pot I use for palm gets the most buildup ... have not noticed any with the paraffin pot and a slight on the soy pot.

Metalsmith told me if I ever wanted to get rid of it that a vinegar and salt solution should take care of it. If it's really bad a couple of applications may be needed. Haven't tried it yet but the time is coming soon.

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