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Too much FO question

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I thought if you used too much FO, it caused increased flammability issues that could make your container too hot, cause it to burst, etc. But then I think I saw someone mention in another thread that too much FO drowns a wick out. So which is it?

Rephrased, if I normally use A wax and B wick with C amount of FO and that works for most of my creations, then if I up the FO does it create increased flammability with that same combination or does it lead to drowning out the same wick?

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In my experience...I normally use 8% FO. Some I have to cut back to 6% because if I use 8% I get that white ash on the wick...and yep...the flames get really low. First burn I get a fmp and everything looks great. 2nd burn is when I get low flames and even burning for 8 hours...I never get a fmp.

Of course if you use too much FO and you can see it is leaking out on the top/sides/bottom of your container candles that would sure be a safety concern as far as a "flash fire".

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You usually have to wick up to accomodate the increase in fo IMHO. It depends on the viscosity of the wax and what fo per cent it will bear. If you change your basic formulation its gonna require other changes as well. Flash point in wax is not an issue. The issue is whether your wicking can accomodate the wax/fo efficiently or not. HTH


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I have found that the percentage of FO definately can affect your burn on many FO's. I have several that I have to cut back on the FO to keep from sooting (wicking down doesn't get a good burn). Conversely, I have many FO's that I can increase the percentage and the burn stays the same. And of course there is the seepage problem if you go too far!



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with my soy wax..when I use to much Fo..I will usually get weeping on top..

but i have went ahead and burned, to see what it would do..ususally after the first burn it will be gone..

but also i have found that to much fo, will sometimes cause my wick to drown, or cause my flame to dance around to much..

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