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Moonworks 'Ancient Incense'


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Am I going to regret it if I take the plunge and buy a whole pound of this? It is on a pre-buy right now, and the description sounds like exactly what I love. I was just reading that, and now I'm going to fire up a bunch of incense (Gonesh #6) because I'm craving it now. :D

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If you like #6, I think you'll like Ancient Incense. I believe Frankincense is the dominant note OOB. It's a complex fragrance that has quite a bit going on. It's very nice. #6 has something in it that's a little more green/sweet. But, Gonesh seems to keep their fragrance blends locked up tighter than Fort Knox.

I soaked this on wood punk incense and not crazy about it on that. I think the wood smell from the punk interferes with the fragrance. Need to try it on charcoal, will probably be happier. I don't think you will be disappointed.

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