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My review of Elements Body Spray base


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Generally I'm happy with it.

It lasted 8 hours (by then it was faint but detectable by folks other than me) and I wasn't using and really strong heavy scents, only a tiny amount of vanilla and chai FO could be considered basenotes.

It's not oily. It is definately wet and takes a moment to obsorb but not anything that could be described as oily.

I'm enjoying the lack of alcohol. It's nice not to have to worry if the alcohol scent is too strong and offputting, which most people I know say about all inexpensive perfumes and some high end ones.

I am definately experiencing some clouding. I did use vanilla so I expected some of that, but occasionally it looks like it's seperating and that's worrysome so I'm considering looking into a different base. It works to shake it. It's also possible that I got my percentages off since I used the 1oz sample bottle & had to estimate since my scale doesn't work at that small of measurements. I would say I added around 5ml to the 1oz bottle.

Other opinions and comments appreciated as always. I didn't see anyone saying anything about this base so I figured I needed to share.

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Is this the linen spray base? They sent me a tiny sample of it with my last order. I really liked it! I'm thinking about the 5ml to a 1oz bottle. That might be why it was separating. I think that's about a 14% FO load. I think they say it holds a 5% FO ratio. I can't remember off the top of my head. I currently make my own spray, and also have the odor eliminator from NG (love that one too, but it makes me cough). I might have to give this one a whirl when I run out of the NG one. Thanks for the info here!


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Actually it was probobly closer to 4ml. I put 2 pipette squirts in it. I was mainly just testing the consistancy and if I liked the blend I'd put together so I wasn't being as exact as I normally would. But yea that's probobly a heavier fragrance load than I should have used. . . .

Does that mean if I was playing by the rules my scent wouldn't last as long as it does? because much less time and I don't really consider it worthwile. . but texturally it is really great.

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Shoot, I'm the queen of over-fragrancing. LOL But you bring a good question... does it make it worth it? I think that's why I've always stuck with my home brew. Some scents last a LONG time, like Country clothesline from NG, while others, not so long. I really haven't noticed the odor eliminator lasting much longer than my home brew. And my home brew is pretty cheap! I've struggled trying to decide if it's really worth it to use a base. Maybe more base users will see this and give their thoughts! I really should do a comparison with my brew and the odor eliminator. I did notice, that the odor eliminator really did work to de stink my hunny's mancave. Ack it's gross in there lol

I've looked at WSP's base and in some of the reviews they used it like 50/50! Holy wow that's WAAAYYY too $$ for me! Oh decisions decisions!!!

Did you just have the 1 oz sample of it? Honestly, if you like it, and it works for you with how much FO you used, and it's cost effective I'd say stick with it. I always put shake well before using on my room spray labels, cuz even with the poly 20 some of mine separate also. And I make them in a blue bottle because they are milky white.

So... after all of my blah blah blah.. I don't think I was really any help! LOL

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I was figuring I would do the colored bottles too. . . . or just color it. I tried putting a little soap color in my sample but the two drops I used was way too much so that's something I'll need to play with when I get more. Like I said I was mainly testing consistancy and my scent blend. I just figured I'd mention the clouding since I was trying to get all of the info out because alot of review are "I like ___" and I'm always wanting more info.

Laura -- what kind of a homemade base are you using? If your getting a nice long scent from it that could definately be an interesting option.

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I use distilled water that I've preserved with Germaben.. 6% FO, 6% poly 20.. easy peasy!! I do the same for a body spray, but I use a 4% FO load, and use the FO modifier from WSP because it makes a clear spray. But the modifier is a (I think) 4:1 ratio of modifier:FO which is why I don't use it for the room spray.. takes too much. Oh, and I add 3% glycerin to help the scent stay. My homemade one's staying depends on the scent I use as to how long it lasts. The Clean Breeze from NG, I'll spray my car before I go to work, and can still smell it when I get off work. That's success to me! :yay:

I have 3 boys, and a dog so I'm all about room scents LOL. I like making the room sprays, scented salts (work best in my burner) and oil for my wamer. Oh, and I did the scented carpet sprinkles, but I just got a bagless and read that it's bad for them :sad2:

I haven't had too much issue with the FO separating unless I don't use them for about a week.. After about a week I do notice them separating. But again, I just put shake well on the bottle.. If you have the ingredients try it and see how it compares to the base you have! I would love to know how it goes for ya!

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Thanks for sharing, will definitely gives this a try. I like to do room sprays but hadn't found a base I was overly fond of. Hadn't tired Elements yet, tho.

When using this recipe as a room spray, have you noticed any oily or slippery feel on the floor once the spray settles? I'm assuming you don't use the glycerin in the room spray, just the body spray.

Now I want to stay home from work and play with this!!


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Nope, since I don't use the glycerin in the room spray, just my body spray, there's no slippery residue left! Now when I spray my pillows before I go to bed, it is a bit wet.. but I just run my hand over it if I want to lay down before it dries (which doesn't take long at all). I have sprayed my furniture, curtains, carpet, everything, and didn't notice any staining wet spots either! What I like about the homebrew is there aren't any cough inducing chemicals in it. Like I said earlier, the odor eliminator from NG works FANTASTIC, but oh it makes me cough, which I'm assuming can't be good!

Let me know how you like it! I think my fav scent EVER was the Apple Cobbler Delight (I think that's what it is) from Elements.. yumo-rama! LOL

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