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CS Banana Nut Bread


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I am trying to find a really good banana nut bread. I have seen a lot of positive reviews for the CS version by searching in this forum. I have the scent (geez, what bakery scent dont I have haha) but oob I really only smell banana. For those that use banana nut bread from CS, do you add anything to it to give it more of a bakery note, or does it take on a bakery note once it is in wax? I am really hoping to avoid ordering from a different supplier (but will if necessary) because this is the last scent that I am trying to find to complete my search.

Any suggestions would be welcome.



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I think it has more of a bakery note when burning than oob and I really like it. Go ahead and give it a shot.

Right now I am stuck on Banana Walnut Cake from AH and oob I smell only banana, but in the wax it is yummy. If you wanted another supplier they have some yummy scents.

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It is a bit hit for me. My coworker describes it as very very realistic. I personally have never made, or even tasted b nut bread, but she claims it is amazing. I for one, love it, and have tested several different types- this is our absolute favorite. Yummy and good enough to eat. I am picky with my bakery scents, too. I highly recommend you try it.

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Thanks everyone for all the input.

Erica, thank you so much for your kind offer but I think I am going to pass, only because I dont already buy from Lonestar and I am afraid I would like their version and need to add another supplier to my list, hence more shipping charges. But thanks again for your kind offer. It is appreciated!

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I just poured a BNB in a soy container. FO was from Peak ! It has been curing for about 5 days now, but I have to say that is already smells amazing! perfect balance of bready/banana notes! When I do end up burning it, I'll let you know how it went. I love banana nut bread, and this smells soooo true to the actual food it's unreal!

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So far I have the BNB from CS & PK. To me, they smell very similar oob. I also have an order coming from NG so I will test those 3 versions soon. KY is also one of the suppliers that I order from, so the next time I order from them, I will order a sample of their BNB. Based on all the reviews I have read, I am sure one of these versions, if not all will be great in tarts. I am looking forward to trying them out.

I really was tempted to try the version from Lonestar and AH, but I really need to cut back on suppliers. It seems that everytime I say I will order "just one more" scent from a new supplier, I end up ordering a bunch and I am so close to finalizing the scents that I want to stick with that I really am afraid to sample anything else. I am up to my eyeballs in FO's as it is.

Thanks to everyone for your input! It is much appreciated.

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