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Amish Harvest & Dream Angels Heavenly Needed


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I know Peaks has a Amish Harvest but can't tell you if it is the same as what you are looking for. Theirs might be a different formulation. CS Strudel and Spice smells almost identical to Peaks but again.....not sure how it compares to Alabaster.

Hope someone else here can help you out.

Speaking of twins....I ordered a sample of MC Hillbilly Homebrew and I thought it was very, very close to Peaks Amish Harvest. Is it just me? Had my Dh sniff and compare and he agreed.

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I've heard Tennessee's is back in stock.

I got a lb of MC Hillbilly Homebrew from someone going out of business. OMG, it's horrible. I made up a dozen masons thinking someone will like it, renamed it as part of my state series, and so far, have only sold 1. I thought men would like it. Apparently not.

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