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Pillar Candle System

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I have a commercial candle burning on my desk that was gifted to me. It appears to be a paraffin pillar with a zinc wick with a soy overpour that is colored and fragranced in a frosted tumbler. I say its soy because the color is very pastel and creamy in appearance. I can tell that the pillar is white and the system seems to work real nice (not much ht). Question: Would the pillar wax be a higher or lower mp than the overpour? I've noticed a few other candles with this system and it makes me wonder about the why's and wherefores? TIA


Edited by chuck_35550
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Sounds like a wicking nightmare. I've found soy to burn wide and shallow and paraffin to burn narrow and deep in some situations, and the opposite in others.

I have no idea why anyone would build a candle that has a paraffin base with soy top. Paraffin makes for the better tops. Pastels are doable in many paraffins. Harmony, J50, J223, and parasoy 6006 all are creamy white and lend well to pastels. Are you sure the tops are soy?

As for the MP, most soys have MP's from 111 to 130 and those lower once the FO is added. Paraffins have MP's from 115 to 163. Significantly higher.

I wonder if you have an enigma on your hands, or if it is all paraffin, just a mix of similar MP's with a clear center and creamy overpour.

Love to hear more about this candle you have.

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This is all pure speculation on my part but I think the core wax/wick is unscented and the overpour carries the fo. It has a zinc wick so I think you're right about the whole thing being paraffin with a creamy overpour. So far the candle burns remarkably clean and cool with a melt pool that leaves a fairly large ring of unmelted wax that eventually catches up (but it looks like it might start tunneling a bit). The hot throw is very light and my guess is that the fo is burning off before a fresh supply can enter the melt pool from the perimeter hang up. There is no identification of any sort on the candle but I would bet this is a wally world or dollar store candle. The core is plainly visible in the melt pool and it looks almost granular in appearance. It makes me want to take it apart and examine the components. This is most definitely a machine made thingy, most likely from China.

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There is a program on one of the Discovery channels that shows how mass production candles are made.(How it's made or How do they do that--one of those) The program I saw was pillars but the process is probably the same for containers.

The unscented wax is processed into pellets/granules then pressure packed into pillar molds. When they cool & set up, a wick is inserted via machine then dipped into a bath of colored/scented wax.

I picked up a candle from the Dollar store one day - just out of curiosity and dissected it...yep, the core was unscented granules and the scent & color were only on the outside of the candle.......and we wonder why there is no HT....duh

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