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I have literally just started making candles last week. I'm playing around with colors and scents but can't seem to make them smell as nice/ strong as I want. I'm also finding some air bubbles even though I have heated the containers with a heat gun. Am I pouring too fast? What is the easiest wax to work with? Is there a wax that holds fragrance better than the rest? Would really appreciate some feed back, or anything to help a newbie out. Thanks.

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Would really appreciate some feed back

My best suggestion is for you to read, read, read. The forums here are FULL of information for you. If, after reading, you still have questions, please tell us what kind of wax you are using (brand), the amount of FO you are using, and all other details like that. There is no "easiest" wax with which to work and there is no one wax that throws better than others. If you read, you will learn about all this.

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Thank you very much for your reply. I should have a couple books here by tomorrow. I definitely plan on reading a lot. I'm finding this forum to be very informative. I already know more than I knew. I'm sure I'll find out, but how do you know if a wick is not the one you should have used? Thanks again!

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how do you know if a wick is not the one you should have used?

You first need to ascertain how a candle should burn - most people honestly do not know. The idea is to get near complete consumption of the fuel (wax) without producing too much heat, too high of a flame, sooting or smoking. Again, reading about how to test, what one is looking for by testing, etc. will answer your question.

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Save your money on books and read through all the archives on whatever kind of wax, wick and containers you are using. Just type in the word like 464 and all the post discussions will come up on the search tool. I use it all the time to save on searching each post and its really helpful. I bought several books but they were not nearly as helpful as the search tool. It really is too complicated to give you a run down on making a great smelling candle in a few posts. HTH


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