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Fragrance Oil Directory for Exact Scent Duplicates

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Would it be possible to get a list going up here as a sticky maybe that lets us submit a fragrance oil and if we've found anything that's the same at another supplier to mention that? For example:

Macintosh Apple- found at Peak's, Bitter Creek North

I just randomly thought about this since so many people have been talking about other suppliers going out of business or dropping certain lines. It might be helpful for all of us. Just a thought. :tiptoe:

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I'll see how your post goes and go from there. The idea is a good one, but just because a company carries xyz type fragrance doesn't always mean it's remotely close. KWIM?

Know exactly what you mean, and we can find the exact same names on a lot of different suppliers, but I was hoping to get more of a database of "Oh Peak's Juicy Pineapple is the exact same in fragrance as XXX supplier's" more on actual usage. I know I've tried multiple supplier's scents on very simple stuff and they are completely different. I can tell you Candle Chem's Macintosh Apple and Peak's Macintosh Apple are a bit different, both good, but not exact. If that makes sense.

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Know exactly what you mean, and we can find the exact same names on a lot of different suppliers, but I was hoping to get more of a database of "Oh Peak's Juicy Pineapple is the exact same in fragrance as XXX supplier's" more on actual usage. I know I've tried multiple supplier's scents on very simple stuff and they are completely different. I can tell you Candle Chem's Macintosh Apple and Peak's Macintosh Apple are a bit different, both good, but not exact. If that makes sense.

Makes complete sense. My hangup is that it will be different for everyone and will it change in application .. ie soy paraffin, parasoy, palm etc. Most may not, but I don't habitually make in all applications so I really do not know.

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That's another good point. Only way to fix it really would be to split it depending upon what application they are using it in. I use soy, paraffin, palm. But don't care a lot for parasoy. And depends a great deal on what my customers ask for in a scent too.

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and I forgot soap and B&B lol. That's a lot to divvy up, but you can see where it goes and if others will follow what requirements are given. We can go from there. See what gets generated. I'd probably start another thread though since I sorta took this OT I think.

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I would love to have something here based on company and fragrance and use in candles only that is similar to the one for soap etc. I don't think we have the ability for it to happen though just size wise and someone posting it smells great is a bad review imo.

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