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Craft Show in August

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Just sharing a little story....

The receptionist at a chiropractor I go to gave me a flyer about a local crft show at her church. She has purchased several of my candles and knows I am trying to get my name out there. So I emailed the coordinator and asked a few questions about the event. After I sent the email I saw the application on the website. Duh!

Anyway she did email me back and told me that this is their second year and last year they had 700 people come. This year she expects to have more (but didn't give a number' which I can understand) plus they have booked the band called December Radio (I've never heard of them). Oh and the big shocker was they already have a Scentsy Rep doing the show.

I've decided not to do the show because even though they are providing tents for all the vendors and a 10X10 space is only $50 (we have to bring our own table and chairs, which is fine) I am worried my candles and mp soap will melt in the August heat (I live in Atlanta). Plus I have read that to only expect 1-3% of the total attendees to actual purchase your products. The other reason is I am worried about being at a show with a Scentsy Rep. I have read some threads here that were not good about the Scentsy reps at shows. I guess it's not juried. Lol!

Anyway just wanted to share this story with all of you. Pass on your thoughts if you'd like. Hugs! :-)

Edited by jackbenimble
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I would not shy away from a Scentsy Rep. I have done a couple shows with a Scentsy Rep and did excellent! The rep came over and said he tried my tarts and they were not as strong as his Scentsy tarts. I stated how it was the first time I was in the area. He didnt know what to say! They just want to scare us away! NOT going to work here.

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I just talked to a shop owner who was all excited about featuring Scentsy in her consignment shop for awhile, since the Scentsy rep was her friend. But now she's all excited about soy tarts instead, because she has another friend who makes soy tarts, which not only smell stronger, but she's thrilled that she can clean up the spilled wax from her carpet with soap & water. I'm not into soy, so I'm just pointing out that Scentsy afficianados can be switched to other products; they're fickle.

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I do lots of shows that have Scentsy reps and never have a problem. They are busy and so am I. They put down the use of candles but most people still love a burning candle. Do not be afraid of competition - it is usually good for business. I do not do July or august shows either due to the heat.

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I wouldn't do it because of the heat!! I went to a flea market last weekend (outside) just to shop, and there was a soap and candlemaker there and it was blazing hot. I was walking around looking at stuff and sweat was dripping off my body. It was HOT!!

I am sure the candles were melting.

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Ditto what everyone above me said: Scentsy reps are nothing to be afraid of. I would say a handmade product beats a resold product any day of the week! It is hard to sell something when you do not know much about it. Huge advantage is your knowledge.

We are in NY and summer shows are hard, really try to only do indoors -AC- shows unless the venue is worth it. GA heat is insane!

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If there is access to electricity, you could get a couple cinder blocks and a small window air unit, if your tent would have sides anyway, close up the tent and keep it cool that way. Other than that, the heat would keep me away.

I was told that if you are attending shows, you are better off to not do shows that have little or no entry fee for the vendors and not being juried either, plus if there is no entry fee for the customers (most only charge a dollar or ask for a donation to a food bank, ect) that it's almost not worth doing. And honestly here I believe it.

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I do a farmers market every year for the past 6 years and the summers can be brutal. But I have to earn an income so there is no question of not doing a show just because of the heat. Your M&P can be remelted down if it overheats and starts to sweat. You never waste M&P. You just reuse it for something new. You have more to worry about if your candles are pure soy. I make gg palm and don't have any problems but used to have my candles sweat and the tops melt when I made soy candles.

Don't worry about the Scentsy rep. I never did and I always have customers buy. I see lots of people look at Scentsy but not always buying. Also, don't go by the percentages. 700 people doesn't mean much. The only way you will know how good the show is is to go to it. I would be more concerned that it is only their second year. But a second year is better than a first year.

Sometimes you may not make a lot of money but the next year you have repeat customers. Thats how your biz grows and thats how you will earn more income. Repeat customers spend the most and tend to show up at other shows you do. Put your show info on your website and hand all your customers your biz card letting them know where to find you next.

I think you have to weigh the pluses and minuses. My first year I didn't make a lot of money. My next year I more than tripled my sales. A lot of it came from exposure and the experience of learning how to do better at each show.

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Forgot to add-- if you do go talk to the other vendors about other shows where they made good money. I get the best inside info on big sales shows from other vendors. Also, you never know when a shop owner will come out to a local show to look for wholesale items for their shop. Candles sell big in shops in the fall so don't be surprised if you get approached. Sometimes going to a crappy show can pay off in big ways.

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