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Who has the best buttercream?


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Also Candybee posted previously that she mixes CS buttercream and CS vanilla, maybe she can elaborate on CS butter cream

LOL I'll try! I use CS Buttercream for several reasons; it smells spot on to me like sweet buttercream frosting, rich and creamy; I also buy many of my FOs from CS because they are close to me for shipping and fast service; but it also makes a great mixer.

I do mix it with CS Vanilla Lace for a rich, velvety vanilla. Its been selling for me very well.

This fall I am mixing CS Pumpkin Souffle with CS Buttercream for Pumpkin Buttercream.

It also makes a wonderful mixer for peppermint. So for Christmas I am making Gourmet Candy Cane mixing 1/3 of each: Peaks Purely Peppermint + CS Red Hot Cinnamon + CS Buttercream. Used this combo last year and it smells heavenly and sells great.

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LOL I'll try! I use CS Buttercream for several reasons; it smells spot on to me like sweet buttercream frosting, rich and creamy; I also buy many of my FOs from CS because they are close to me for shipping and fast service; but it also makes a great mixer.

I do mix it with CS Vanilla Lace for a rich, velvety vanilla. Its been selling for me very well.

This fall I am mixing CS Pumpkin Souffle with CS Buttercream for Pumpkin Buttercream.

It also makes a wonderful mixer for peppermint. So for Christmas I am making Gourmet Candy Cane mixing 1/3 of each: Peaks Purely Peppermint + CS Red Hot Cinnamon + CS Buttercream. Used this combo last year and it smells heavenly and sells great.

Geez! I think I want to buy your candles! lol Mmmmmmmmm.....

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