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I am also very new at making candles. I have read and read and I have learned a lot just from the folks on here. I'm not really in any position to give advice, but I bought a kit from Peak Candle Supply. I decided to start with votives so I bought their votive starter kit. The wax is ready to go, no additives needed. You get everything you need including step by step instructions. It really made things simple for me, and I am still at the very early stages of candle making. Plus you get stuff that you will need ongoing like the melting pot and thermometer. And I got all of my supplies within 3 days! It really helped me just get my foot in the door.

Hope this helps

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Hey thanks!!! I know I wont have much time for messing around with candles when he gets here but I hope to make some progress in the 3 months left! :)

Hi there, I'm new to this forum too, but have used 464 for some time now. From reading this thread you are using GB 464, right not 415 from your friend? I just have to know how you like it. I changed to 464 after my initial kit that I got for a Christmas gift a while ago. I love 464, I have really never had any problems with frosting, in fact, I had to look up what frosting was because I have never experienced it. My pouring area is in my garage so there have been times where my candles cured too fast an with the 464 you will get some imperfections on top. All I do is touch up the top with a hair dryer, actually I just started using a heat gun for candle top corrections AND preheating the containers, really helps.

I've only ever had one problem and that was HT with one scent, Pumpkin Pie, from CS and I am testing as to why right now.

I can't wait to hear how you make out with your first pour with 464....Bet you love it! Good Luck!


Edited by sisters3
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I am also very new at making candles. I have read and read and I have learned a lot just from the folks on here. I'm not really in any position to give advice, but I bought a kit from Peak Candle Supply. I decided to start with votives so I bought their votive starter kit. The wax is ready to go, no additives needed. You get everything you need including step by step instructions. It really made things simple for me, and I am still at the very early stages of candle making. Plus you get stuff that you will need ongoing like the melting pot and thermometer. And I got all of my supplies within 3 days! It really helped me just get my foot in the door.

Hope this helps

This is exactly how I started 10 years ago. I bought a votive kit from NG and was hooked forever. It made really nice votives too! My first love are molded candles. Votives, pillars, anything molded! There's nothing like unmolding your candles as soon as they are cool, well except for unmolding and cutting a soap creation. lol. Welcome to the addictions! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay the Soy wax I use for all of my pillars and votive candles is Ecosoya. My container candles is CB-135 or vegetable wax. The containers I use the most of are mason jars. The half pint ones. The ones you use for canning. The wicks that I have found in bulk that work the best in that size jar is Candlewics WR2001. The good advice Stella1952 said is read read read. The scent sometimes makes the wicks not burn as good. So good luck to you and test test test and above all have fun.

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I've only ever had one problem and that was HT with one scent, Pumpkin Pie, from CS and I am testing as to why right now.

I use 464 and Pumkin Pie from CS and get a great HT! Never had an issue with it. This is the third time on this forum where people have had issues with this FO. Crazy:-)

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