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Renaming Sugar Corn Pudding, Wildberry Mousse and Zucchini Bread


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I was wondering if anyone could help me with renaming these scents. The scent description for the sugar corn pudding is: notes of fresh corn, butter, creamy milk and sugar. I absolutely love this smell but the name, not so much. I am also trying to rename my wildberry mousse and zucchini bread. The W.B.M. (CS) does really smell like its name but I am looking to find something a bit more creative. The zucchini bread (KY- one of my favs) smells sooo good but not sure that it smells like zucchini bread, definitely bakery but ??? TIA

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Sometimes I rename Wildberry Mousse to Berry Parfait or Country Berry Parfait.

Does the Sugar Corn Pudding smell at all like popcorn or kettle corn? That could be a rename for ya.

Don't know what to do with Zucchini Bread. It it smells like it it would be hard to call it something else. Or maybe something country like Aunt Bell's Sweet Bread.

Edited by Candybee
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Thank you all for the suggestions, they are really great! Candybee, s.c.p. is really hard to describe but it doesn't smell like kettle or popcorn to me. It has this sweet and creamy base with a bit of bread/bakery? Note to it. Magandgarr, now that you said that about the blend of the corn bread and sugar cookie I can definitely smell them both in there. Thanks again for the ideas:)

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Thank you guys for the new suggestions, you are all so much more creative than me. Horsescents- your suggestion is really funny, I actually lol. It reminds me of a little encounter my husband had with a real moose while hunting a few years back. Well, I thought it was funny, my husband had to throw his shorts away afterwards (hee hee).

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