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crock pot

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Soy does not benefit from repeated heating and cooling. A couple of times won't hurt, but the wax undergoes changes each time it is heated. Think about Crisco. Palm was is hardier and suffers through repeated heating and cooling better than soy wax in my experience.

Crock pots take too long to melt wax. I really prefer the Presto I have. I use a ladle and it works great.

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I must admit I have eyeballed my crock pot wondering if I could use it as a melter. But never tried it. Didn't really want to use it for my wax then later for cooking. I like to keep cooking equipment seperate from my wax equipment.

I think if you try using only the amount of wax you'll need for personal use you should be okay using it. But if you are thinking of starting to test and make candles for selling you should invest in a good melter or presto pot.

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Rice cookers are a lot more like Prestos than a crock pot is, at least the ones I have seen. They can, however, overheat more easily and quickly than a crock pot. The problem with crock pots is they heat so slowly and cool so slowly. Reheating over and over can certainly affect the wax, especially if held over a certain temp for a prolonged period of time, as mentioned on some manufacturers' websites. I'm glad to hear you have no issues and hope your luck holds out. If you notice the wax beginning to yellow, you'll know why.

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I only use my rice cooker for melting my M&P bases. Never tried it for melting wax. Maybe that's because I have seen my soap base boil over more than once in a very small space of time. All I can say is if you use a rice cooker never take your eyes off it for a minute and use your thermometer a lot!

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