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First batch of soap


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Just made my first batch of soap. I used AJ's basic soap recipe. It just happened to be the one with the exact same ingredients I wanted to try out for my first batch;

45 % olive oil

5 % castor oil

25% coconut oil

25% lard

As soon as I added the lye solution it started getting thick real quick. I am so sure I botched it but will have to wait. I used the stick blended for a few seconds at a time but it didn't take long for it to become thick and creamy. I have only seen trace once so I had to guess. The spoon started leaving 'trails' in the mix and when I let the mix drip from the spoon it just barely sat there before sinking in. I didn't use any dyes or scent for my first batch. Thought I would try to learn everything from the ground up.

Now if my nerves would just settle down.

Question; how do I know if the batch is over heating? and how long do I keep it wrapped?

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Did you cover the soap with a towel or anything? Lately I have been leaving the lid off of my molds because the soap is heating. I also don't put my soap on a heating pad. It is also ok to take a peek once in a while;)

And your recipe looks ok to me and your soap will be fine.

Edited by Lorrie
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Thanks Lorrie. I don't think its overheating. I peaked a couple of time and its a creamy white. There is some warmth coming off the soap but it doesn't seem hot. I was taking peaks because I wanted to see the gel stage but I its been 2 hrs and its still creamy white. Maybe I missed gel? or do not all soaps gel? I'm so confused reading all this material on soap. I decided I just have to dive in and do it! I am one of those people that learns better doing hands on. Reading too much just gives me a headache!

Oh yes, I covered it up with some towels.

I was worried because I let the lye solution get to 110 degrees and the oils were at 125 degrees. I was trying to cool the oils to the lye temp but the lye kept getting cooler so I just decided to go ahead and start making the batch. So I added the lye at 110 degrees while the oils were just under 125%. I'll do better (I hope) next time!

Edited by Candybee
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candybee don't worry about it gelling. It may take it sometime. I have some batches that seem to take forever and a day to gel, some just don't even gel, and some are in full gel within a few minutes. It not a must-

Kitn- was your batch an fo or eo batch? I have noticed a few of my fo batches latey are accelerating and gelling faster.

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Thanks for the kind words. I never did catch the gel stage. I have only seen pictures. Just wanted to see for myself what it was like. Right now its kind of soft like semi wet chalk. I am so glad I picked this recipe. I love the creamy whiteness of it. I'll leave pics in the gallery.

I don't think I am going to be able to sleep tonight. All I can think of is when can I cut it!! LOL

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