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Just thought I would share I made this candle 6006, 7oz elemental jar, FO french toast..and wet spots..I am not upset about the wet spots I just know what to do different..ok here are the pictures this smells so good im going to test it today


ok so you can see the wet spots really good, im going to work on it because I really like the appearance of this wax and I love the jars..oh the wick is the premier 700 series 765. wish me luck im lighting it now will keep you posted

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Just thought I would share I made this candle 6006, 7oz elemental jar, FO french toast..and wet spots..I am not upset about the wet spots I just know what to do different..ok here are the pictures this smells so good im going to test it today


ok so you can see the wet spots really good, im going to work on it because I really like the appearance of this wax and I love the jars..oh the wick is the premier 700 series 765. wish me luck im lighting it now will keep you posted

I'm using those jars too, and I've been using 4627, but I'm switching back to 6006, which I used before in jjs and tureens. A local candle shop owner used nothing but 6006, and she rarely had even a small wet spot in all kinds of jars, even after they sat on the shelf for many months. She told me to pour at 150 into preheated jars, so I did that, and I didn't have any wet spots. Before she told me that, I poured at 180 and had lots of wet spots.

Over time, the 6006 pulled away from the jar in some of my candles that I poured at 150, but not all of them, and it may have been due to the fluctuating temperatures in my home, so I'm going to add coconut oil and I'm sure that will help. I suspect she may have used coconut oil, too, but of course didn't want to tell me all her secrets right off the bat.

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How does everyone who uses the 6006 like it? Ive used nothing but the 4627 and just poured my first 6006 candle last night...im not sure if the scent throw is as good as the 4627 (coarse i am guilty of lighting it before waiting the 24hr period to cure lol cant help it) but i do agree that it topped off very well, its easier to work with and its a beautiful thick rich creamy looking wax...(also used with a zinc wick)

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How does everyone who uses the 6006 like it? Ive used nothing but the 4627 and just poured my first 6006 candle last night...im not sure if the scent throw is as good as the 4627 (coarse i am guilty of lighting it before waiting the 24hr period to cure lol cant help it) but i do agree that it topped off very well, its easier to work with and its a beautiful thick rich creamy looking wax...(also used with a zinc wick)

Using zincs: I'm still pondering this, and I need to make more candles with both waxes before I'm sure of my opinion, but my 6006 candles were very strong after curing and after I figured out how to make them better, and right now I'm thinking the HT in the 6006 was more rich, deeper, somehow more satisfying than my 4627 candles, which were also strong. Maybe they can be equally strong but I'm liking the quality of the scent from the 6006 candles more right now, like maybe the combo of soy and paraffin picks up more notes of the scent. I could change my mind though.

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I love the 6006 wax, I just ordered a full case of it. It takes color well and all the scents I have used are throwing well (except one), I'm just kicking myself for not marking some test jars with what size wick I used. Dumb-A$$ me wrote down in my book that I poured two or three of X scent with three different wicks. DUH, I didn't mark each JAR for what wick. I've done so much testing that I can tell the Htp, LX and CD wicks just from how they burn, but I need to be sure I mark the bottom of the jar as to WHAT SIZE wick.

Other than that I'm loving the 6006!! I've started with jelly jars, just because that is what was in the basement en-mass, but I'm now testing two other jars for hot throw before I decide on my final packaging etc.

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ok I didnt test it that day I decided to wait, but the premier 700 has so many wicks Im just not sure I started with the right one, I have 740,755, and 765 so far, I also have cd wicks any suggest on a starting point with those? because this is a parasoy should I wick up or down?

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Have you tried warming the jars prior to pouring in the wax?

To the OP mzphee: Did you see this suggestion? I can tell you that warming my jars to decrease the temp differential between wax and jar, and further cooling on a rack has all but eliminated wetspots for me. I use GB464 and have had my share. OK just wanted to be sure that you saw this. Good Luck!

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How does everyone who uses the 6006 like it? Ive used nothing but the 4627 and just poured my first 6006 candle last night...im not sure if the scent throw is as good as the 4627 (coarse i am guilty of lighting it before waiting the 24hr period to cure lol cant help it) but i do agree that it topped off very well, its easier to work with and its a beautiful thick rich creamy looking wax...(also used with a zinc wick)

Another difference between the two waxes is that 6006 makes my jars MUCH hotter when the candle is burning than the 4627. I'm wondering if all the candle fires that have occurred in tins were candles made with 6006.

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To the OP mzphee: Did you see this suggestion? I can tell you that warming my jars to decrease the temp differential between wax and jar, and further cooling on a rack has all but eliminated wetspots for me. I use GB464 and have had my share. OK just wanted to be sure that you saw this. Good Luck!

yes I did thank you, thats one of the things I knew I did wrong I didnt warm jars but thanks again I will do it from now on lol

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Add 15% soy to the 6006 and pour at about 185 degrees into room temp jars and let cool uncovered. HTH


This is what I did for years. Worked perfectly. No need to warm jars or pour any cooler. Once poured, I would group my jars together so they would cool a little slower. Also, I used CD wicks. To me, the soy help with adhesion and makes it look creamier. Good luck!

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This is what I did for years. Worked perfectly. No need to warm jars or pour any cooler. Once poured, I would group my jars together so they would cool a little slower. Also, I used CD wicks. To me, the soy help with adhesion and makes it look creamier. Good luck!

But what did all that soy do to the HT?

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But what did all that soy do to the HT?

I am not using 6006 but I am making a parasoy blend and yes, the soy can reduce the HT. 6006 is already a parasoy so compared to (let's say) 4630 it may have less HT with some FOs. When I get a new FO I put it into 4630, 464, and then my blend. This allows me to see how the FO does in each wax. One day I may stop this but for now, I like to see (smell) what is happening.

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I am not using 6006 but I am making a parasoy blend and yes, the soy can reduce the HT. 6006 is already a parasoy so compared to (let's say) 4630 it may have less HT with some FOs. When I get a new FO I put it into 4630, 464, and then my blend. This allows me to see how the FO does in each wax. One day I may stop this but for now, I like to see (smell) what is happening.

Do you find that the parasoy picks up more notes of the fragrance and gives a richer scent than just paraffin? This is my impression at the moment.

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But what did all that soy do to the HT?

The soy did nothing to the HT, IMO, good or bad. Still the same as if I had put none in. I was originally worried that it would hinder the HT, but not so. The CT is even great! 6006 is a parasoy blend anyway. So to 60 lbs. of 6006 I would add 9 lbs. of soy. I use EzSoy.

Sorry for responding so late.


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The soy did nothing to the HT, IMO, good or bad. Still the same as if I had put none in. I was originally worried that it would hinder the HT, but not so. The CT is even great! 6006 is a parasoy blend anyway. So to 60 lbs. of 6006 I would add 9 lbs. of soy. I use EzSoy.

Sorry for responding so late.


Thanks, Carrie! :) did you add coconut oil to it also? I read that adding at least 1 Tablespoon p.p. to parasoy works wonders.

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I hate to keep putting my wax out there as the perfect wax (which it is not) but it makes no sense to have to add all kinds of other waxes and or oils to get a decent cold throw/hot throw out of a quality fragrance oil. Paraffin, soy, beeswax, palm, or toe jam should be able to adequately do the job for which it is specifically manufactured. Container, pillar, tarts, mottling, carving, cave painting have all been formulated to perform as directed by the manufacturer. The reason why some people are able to come up with good blends is because they worked with a base wax until they learned it and then decided to tweak it wherever it had a weak area. That being said, 6006 is just fine all by itself but with a little added soy you get a somewhere 50/50 blend of paraffin and soy for better adhesion to the container but in the end it always lets go and you have wet spots. I like the added soy to the 6006 for easier wicking and a little more forgiving in the area of fo percentage. It would be my go to wax if they ever quit producing Stasis 3022 70/30.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Worked wonders at what, HT or wet spots?

It's supposed to work wonders for HT and wet spots. But, I tried adding 1 Tablespoon of CO to my 6006 candles in the Dollar Tree Status jars, and one of them got horrible massive wet spots and pulled away from the jar a lot so that it looks like a shark took a big bite out of it. I can't tell if it helped the HT or not. I also got lots of soot. I'm done with 6006 now, so I'm a committed 4627 user forevah!!!! (unless I change my mind again.)

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